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farewell Walter Cronkite, Eagle Scout


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What a remarkable life this remarkable man had. Perhaps his interest in journalism began on a scout trip to the Republican convention in 1928. He would later earn Eagle.


I was fortunate to meet him years ago. In high school, I bought this awesome record set - 'I Can Hear it Now - the Sixties' which he narrated. He had a great awareness of the world - past, present, and future. In his friendly presence, you just listened to every word whether he was talking about history, civil rights, politics, journalism, sailing, the space program ... and always with his characteristic grandfather-like, honest delivery. The few times when he was at a loss for words, it was only because words were not enough.


He was a Boy Scout. And that's the way it is on July 17,2009.(This message has been edited by RememberSchiff)

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