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Dear Scouters


Hi this is Jamie. I am a senior Girl Scout that is earning my gold award.


My project is a camping how to book. One of the chapters will be camp stories. I would like it if you could foward me some storys at camping4gold@yahoo.com. Theas storys can be funny, sad, happy or jest about anything else.


Some other chapters will be ways to use ducttape and bandanas, heath and safty, diffrent ways to start a fire, diffrent ways to go camping, how to cook while camping and recipes. If you would like to contribut about any of the of the above topics. Please fell free to contact me via email at camping4gold@yahoo.com.


Thank you



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"Hi Jamie, I'm wondering in your Council do they allow Gold Award projects to serve the Girl Scout community?"


They do in the area council near me too. My oldest sister, for her Gold Award, directed a day camp for Girl Scouts. Also, my youngest, but still older, sister is doing a similar project right now.

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Officially, a GS Gold Award Project should touch the community beyond Girl Scouting. From GSUSA national: "The whole idea of the Girl Scout Gold Award is that you do something to benefit your community and learn those skills that make you a citizen of your community and the world."


Unfortunatly, some GS councils, like some BS councils, allow some questionable projects to be done.


Jamie, yours sounds interesting. How are you going to be putting this together, a booklet, video, website, etc? Who, & how, will you be distributing this to. If you do some searches online you will find tons of stuff on various scouting and camping sites!



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Hi Jamie - I had another thought about your Gold Award project...

There already is a whole lot about general camping knowledge available in libraries and online, but what's *really hard to find* are guides to how to get into the outdoors in your own community. It took me a full year of researching to find a "cabin camping" situation that would be workable for our very large Brownie troop (we found an awesome youth hostel to stay at a state park)

You could help families in your community by pointing the way to the really neat stuff in your area - and you could have different chapters on "first-time" adventures, and high-adventure opportunities, and chapters for families, and for youth groups. In the index you could have all the local contacts for your state and county parks, local volkssports chapter, hostelling association, area businesses that sell outdoor gear, groups that offer classes like canoeing and rock-climbing...

You'd be doing your community a real service, helping them to experience the outdoors :)

Anne in Mpls

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Hi Jamie - I had another thought about your Gold Award project...

There already is a whole lot about general camping knowledge available in libraries and online, but what's *really hard to find* are guides to how to get into the outdoors in your own community. It took me a full year of researching to find a "cabin camping" situation that would be workable for our very large Brownie troop (we found an awesome youth hostel to stay at a state park)

You could help families in your community by pointing the way to the really neat stuff in your area - and you could have different chapters on "first-time" adventures, and high-adventure opportunities, and chapters for families, and for youth groups. In the index you could have all the local contacts for your state and county parks, local volkssports chapter, hostelling association, area businesses that sell outdoor gear, groups that offer classes like canoeing and rock-climbing...

You'd be doing your community a real service, helping them to experience the outdoors :)

Anne in Mpls

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  • 5 weeks later...


The post that I posted on 8/20/03. Needed to be revised so I am posting another one that I would like to have true stories about your personal wather it is in scouting or not. I would like it if you could send me your true stories by november 15 via email at camping4gold@yahoo.com. I would also like it if you could send me some true information about any of the topics I wrote about in the first post that was ascing for your help.


Thank you


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