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We have some GREAT stuff in our museum. It is housed in the original building erected at Camp Miakonda in 1917 when the land was purchased. Miakonda is the oldest Boy Scout camp in Ohio and the 6th oldest in the nation. We have a display case on the Tribe of Gimogash which is the oldest known honor program in national BSA history, predating the OA by one year. We have one of the three largest Hornaday Award collections in the country. Miakonda's history is considerable and can be read at:


A page on the museum itself can be viewed at:


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Reading about those merit badges on the bottom of Scout shoes has really jogged my memory! All of a sudden this little advertisement popped out of my head (imagine it on a black-and-white small round screen TV):


"Hi kids I'm Buster Brown. I live in a shoe!

Here's my dog Tide (bark!) He lives in here too!"


Remember the picture inside the heel? And sticking our feet into the X-ray machine at the shoe store to see if there was a year's growing room for the toes?


I think I will be ok in a few minutes, but my mind is still racing with the thoughts of ALL those merit badges imprinted on the track of those shoes.(This message has been edited by KA6BSA)

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