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Letters from the Front


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For those who think their job as a BSA leader doesn't pay off and you're on the verge of burning out, here's a letter I received and would like to pass along to the rest of the forum and other members of my crew.





I recieved a letter from Pvt. JA yesterday. It's short and I will transcribe it here.


"I received the letter from you and the Poor Boys Mess. I really appreciated it. Actually I would like to thank you for my experiences in the Venture Crew. A lot of things that I was taught thru reenacting have really helped me out here; like discipline and leadership abilties. .......He goes on....


"Life here is okay. It's not hard @ all, you are told what to do, all day long.


"Believe it or not, Venture Crew is a lot more disciplined than my platoon. People don't know how to stand still or march properly; even after being shown how to.


"I graduted basic April 23, but I'm OSUT trainin so I went right into AIT w/o any time off. I'm a combat engineer, so I deal mostly with explosives. Last week we blew up C4, TNT, H6 i Ammonium Nitrate. It's Awesome!


"I graduate everything June 5, then I come home. I plan on continuing in the crew as an advisor; so hopefully I'll see you in June! Until then, enfoy your spring and God bless!


"Your obedieant servant,




>>> Pv2 JA is Brevet Lt. JA in the crew 6 years ago, this is the same man that stood toe-to-toe with me and told me flat out he didn't want to be a leader in the crew. I told him I wasn't going to except that and promoted him under protest to corporal in the crew.



Capt. Co B. 2nd WI Infantry Volunteers, Reenactors

Advisor Crew 2 (Military Reenactors) BSA


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