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Electronics use during Venturing functions


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"However, when one of the boys is walking around the function with headphones in, and another leader walks up to him and tells him to put away the electronics, how should he respond?"


If it was my son who was told to put it away, his response would be "Why?", and he'd expect a rational explanation. "It's the rule" would not earn much respect.

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Wouldn't this be something the Venturing crew would vote on for them selves?


As older Scouts and possibly female (who were never Boy Scouts),.....I would think they are able to decide for themselves as a group to allow these devices or not.


Now if the event has a "no electronics rule" then they should abide.


(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

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I know a Crew. It's core members are the core of a camp staff.


Their cell phones are active throughout the program day when they're out at camp.


Their communications to the PD and the Camp Director are far more efficient. They also keep the radio circuits free for Ranger staff and emergencies.

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This is how the electronics 'policy' reads in our Crew ByLaws that will voted on in the next couple of weeks. These were not in effect this past weekend. I see it as a fair compromise.


Electronics: Our Crew has accepted a minimum electronics acceptance. Small electronics such as mp3 players, radios, hand-held games, etc. are permitted only in personal tents/cabins after lights-out, during personal down-times or traveling. Acceptable electronics must have personal earphones and must not be heard by any other Crew member. Volume of earphones will be set so a Crew member is able to hear outside voices. At no time will a Crew member carry personal electronics while engaged in a Crew activity. Cell phones are permitted but must remain on silent during Crew activities. While cell phones are an excellent way to maintain contact with friends and the folks at home, over-use can interfere with a youths ability to interact with the Crew and its activities. Please restrict cell phone use to absolute necessary (emergency) communication.

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I expect you're having the YOUTH MEMBERS vote on that??


Frankly, if you're the Advisor, I think you'd be better served having a quiet talk with your officers and seeing what they think, rather than trying to ramrod a policy down their throats.


They're approaching adulthood. Give them the latitude to define their own enviroment.

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""Put into the bylaws a law that says the program activities must be more engaging and exciting than text messaging."


"HAHA excellent! Too bad this was a Council Event! I guess we'll know next time."


If it was a Council Venturing Event, the VOA can put together a policies document on 'acceptable behavior' that would apply. I know in my council, due to some 'events' at prior Venturing events, that the youth wanted to put into place acceptable behaviors rules, such as appropriate dress, public displays of affection, and the like.



Also, please DON'T put such rules in your bylaws. Create a separate policies document and place them in that.


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Seems to me that it makes very little difference where you place a rule that isn't going to work and is not able to be enforced.

If the youth members really feel the need for some kind of rule that needs to be in writing?

Why not something that reads:

Person in charge of any activity will decide what electronic devices will be allowed to be used on a case by case basis.

This way when who ever is in charge is planning the activity can list what is and what isn't acceptable.


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If any 'rule' is voted into the ByLaws by the youth, then it can be enforced, and will. Yes, some of the youth DO feel that there does need to be something in writing, so that it won't be an issue in the future.


I received a tip from someone in a very functional, old Crew, who suggested that we also put into the ByLaws, that the Crew members are all allowed to "police" each other, without going to President... or ultimately the Advisor. That way it's not really a big deal for Crew member to say to another, "hey dude, put away the head phones..."


Remember, that paragraph that I quoted came from another Venturing Crew's ByLaws, that were voted in unanimously. But then again, that crew was run by an Advisor that wanted to ban everything, everywhere. Our founding members tweaked that paragraph a bit, then we got busy doing other things and never formally voted on locking the entire ByLaws in.


I like your idea of making it event specific.


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