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Can Venturing Leadership Conferences be restarted?

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Again in my ramblings on the net I found an old idea that make a good new idea, please let me know what you think and if it is worth the time and trouble. As of 1998 we had the last of the National Exploring Leadership Conferences and I believe it was in the Washington DC area. I am wondering if it would be a good idea to restart these conferences in the Venturing and Sea Scout areas and these conferences would just be for Venturers and Sea Scouts. Now I know that Sea Scouts have many activities in different areas through the year. But Venturers need a National event and I believe it can be done again on a national level maybe it can be done every 4 years so there will be time for planning and logisitics etc. Just an idea, let me know your imput on this. Thanks trailfinder52

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In the past trying to get a good turn out for events even on the Regional level has been met with disappointing attendance.

The new thinking seems to be events at the Area level.

Our Area held a Quest weekend a few months back. The reports I got were all good.

If you are looking for something really big you might want to think about Aussiemoot.



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I'd love to see a National Venturing event. I am also not holding my breath for one.


One thing is, the number of Venturers is not at the same level as Explorers were at the time they were doing the National Exploring Conferences. We need to really grow the numbers.


We need more Venturers and crews at the council level to even hold council-level Venturing events. At present, its pretty hard to do in many councils.


I'd love to see Area events, but in my Region they don't seem to want to allow them. My thinking is pick an already existing major council event and make the area event.


Its even harding to get Regional events. We have a regional Sea Scout event hosted in my council. We drew from 2-3 councils nearby (one right next to us with several ships didn't have any attendees). Another region-level sea scouting event was cancelled.


I've also heard (2nd/3rd hand) that the national-level people (ie the pros) are not behind a National Venturing event at this point. I've heard 2-3 reasons given, most of which I think is stupid. But that's me.



My suggest is to promote council-level Venturing events both inside your council and to your region. Get Venturing Crews to travel to other council Venturing events. Maybe this will spark interest in Area & Regional events and this will lead to a National event. AND work on growing Venturing in your council. More Crews and more Venturers.


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