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Venturing is not all outdoors , is it?

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Is Venturing just all outdoor crews? I was speaking to our DE at a meeting and he says that Venturing is all outdoors. I know it is a large part but isn't there 4 other clusters? Religious Life, Sea Scouts, Arts and Hobbies, Sports and aren't there specialties in each one of these clusters? Would not one think to have a balanced Venturing Program a council or district would have a diversity of Venturing crews? We do have one ship and one Civil War re-enactment crew. Can anyone please give me an idea of what is in their area?

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I know a Crew chartered within a high school band. Their superactivity is a trip to Europe for the band.


I know a Crew that is a Scouting youth program home for an OA Lodge's LEC.


I have heard of a Crew, sponsored in a church, that is going to Mexico on a missions support trip (ie, dig the waterline)


The leader considering forming a crew may have some preconceived ideas as he makes preparation. When he/she forms the Crew, one of the first questions of the youth really should be "What road do you want to travel?"



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In our council we have crews that have a focus on Golf, Target Shooting, Archery and we also have a Civil War Reenactment Crew.

There is also a Crew that is service oriented and to join you must be an Eagle Scout.


We used to have a Crew that did computers.

They would rent a cabin and the training center (it had electricity) at our local camp, network their computers and play games all weekend.


I have some friends in a classic/antique car club that would like to start a Crew that restores and works on autos.


I have heard of a Crew that does traditional men's choral music.


Check out www.venturing-mag.org and look at the links to Crew web sites to see the diverse activities some of these crews are into.


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If Crews were all about the "outdoors" then BSA wouldn't have come up with Bronze Awards for Religious Life, and Sports and Arts and Hobbies. They would not have created the Quest and Trust Awards to be earned as well as the Ranger. Your DE is wrong (what a shocker!)


What in the Venture Oath says it must be done outdoors?


As a Venturer, I promise to do my duty to God and help strengthen America, to help others, and to seek truth, fairness, and adventure in our world.


Adventure is where you find it, either in the Outdoors or in being a member of a Ham Radio Crew and talking to people in India and the Ukraine.


In the Venturing Code nothing implies you must be outdoors to follow it.


As a Venturer, I believe that America's strength lies in our trust in God and in the courage, strength, and traditions of our people.


I will, therefore, be faithful in my religious duties and will maintain a personal sense of honor in my own life.


I will treasure my American heritage and will do all I can to preserve and enrich it.


I will recognize the dignity and worth of all humanity and will use fair play and goodwill in my daily life.


I will acquire the Venturing attitude that seeks truth in all things and adventure on the frontiers of our changing world.


In short, your DE is wrong and you are right

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Is your DE related to that other guy's DE??


As has been noted, Venturing is NOT 'all outdoors', a frequent mistake. if it was, then Venturing Advisors would be required to go thru Outdoor Leader Skills like Troop leaders are.


Here is a list of all the Venturing Specialty Codes: http://usscouts.org/venturing/specialcode.html


If you look, the arts & hobbies are mainly indoors, many of the sports are indoor sports. I've heard of crews that focus on role playing games, school plays, computers, and the like. I personally think we make a bit of a mistake in overly emphasising outdoor high adventure. That's the biggest part of Venturing, but its not the only thing.



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Greetings Everyone! (this may be more for the education of some DE's that are still learning about Venturing)


I certainly agree with all the posters here. The Outdoors is appealing. Outdoors does offer alot of the program. Outdoor Bronze is probably the most populated program. But Outdoors is not the only Venturing track.


There is a Venturing Awards Star that illustrates what Venturers may do.


It was created for the National Venturing Cabinet by Ms Amy D, SageVenture, and a few Advisors. Its worth having both the Venturing Crew as well as some DE's take a look at.




Scouting Forever and Venture On!

Crew21 Adv

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Thanks for the link.

I was at the Quartermaster Bridge of Honor, for Jesse Milton our National Sea Scout Boatswain. We work fairly closely with the Ship he is in.

Jess Rumburg the Northeast Region Venturing President and OJ are pals they met at the Jambo working in the same area and are working on an upcoming conclave. Jess's Advisor served on NE-IV-153 when I was Course Director. If my memory serves me right I think another Northeast Region Venturing President was also from the same Crew.

Sadly I missed the Area 4 Quest, something I don't think Jerry Clark is going to let me forget anytime soon. To be very honest our Sea Scouts thought it was over priced. I had been invited to help present some of the Training but we went away that weekend.



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Most of these young men are also chartered as ASMs (adult side) in their Troops...


Being a YOUTH PROGRAM member in Venturing allows them a certain level of flexibility, particularly when you talk about housing arrangements ...

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That is the great thing about Venture Crew, a crew can be formed around almost any interest that your group has. Your crew members can work on advancements or may choose not too. If they like, the group can be primarily a social group.


Our group enjoys a wide range of activities, so we mix outdoor activities with some indoor activities.

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That is the great thing about Venture Crew, a crew can be formed around almost any interest that your group has. Your crew members can work on advancements or may choose not too. If they like, the group can be primarily a social group.


Our group enjoys a wide range of activities, so we mix outdoor activities with some indoor activities.

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