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I' ve been asked to be the Council Venturing Chair...


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We don't as yet have such a position in our Council. The thinking is that we don't have a Boy Scout or Cub Scout Chairperson. We did have a Assistant Council Commissioner Venturing. It came about after a Council Charter Review and there was a mad rush to appoint a slew of Assistant Council Commissioners. Sad to say the guy who was appointed was very much an idealist, and when things didn't move fast enough, he got very upset got mad and had what might be called an outburst at a Executive Board meeting and then quit.

About three years ago I was a Patrol Guide for the Beaver Patrol and one participant was a new Council Vice-president for Venturing. I helped him on his ticket. This ticket was very much about setting up committees that would represent venturing at the council level. We got to spent time looking at how councils can do a better job making sure that venturing had a voice. For example, we have a very strong camping committee, Boy Scouts are the main focus and summer camp seems to rule, the Cub Scouts are becoming a force, but venturing isn't even represented at the camping meetings.

As a District we now send a Venturing guy to the meetings, but so far we have only got the camp to make the seventh week of camp available for Venturing. Of course attendance is low because that's when a lot of the Venturing members are off to school.

With some of the changes that National have made to membership, I think that we will see a lot less playing with the numbers, which will mean that in order to recruit Venturing members we will have to offer them more.

We have in our District a lot of small Crews, these guys are hurting when it comes to program. They will never pull off a Super Activity, they just don't have the numbers. Some of the big Metro Councils are offering Crew members the opportunity to do some really mind blowing activities'

As to your mental health. You are the only person to know that answer. You will decide how much time you are going to commit and what goals you are going to work on. What if any hats are you going to take off in order to do this? What does Mrs. OGE, feel about you taking more stuff on?

I of course wish you all the very best.


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Someone can correct me if I am wrong but...


I believe councils have the option of organizing with a committee for each program. So there would be a Venturing Committee, a Boy Scout Committee, and a Cub Scout Committee. Most councils seem to have gone with a different organizational system, but I think some are organized in that fashion. Certainly OA publications seem to support this by saying the Lodge Adviser is a member of either the Council's Camping or Boy Scout Committee, depending on organizational system.

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I am doing the same thing in my district. I am new to my new council area, and am a young adult (22) who did the council youth president job in my old council.


Essentially, I have gone through unit by unit and asked what their current status was in regards to program and membership.


I asked if they would be interested in a district program, venturing advancement, and also if their leaders were trained. I looked over the current membership numbers and have moved to have an impact recruitment event in 6 months focused specifically on religious institutions in the area.


The main thing is pick up the "here's venturing: implementing venturing into a council or district" book, and start setting realistic small goals. Familiarity with the program is the hardest part to deal with on a district level, which may even be more difficult on a council level.


Is there a professional designated for Venturing, or do they have a knowledgeable staff in your area? They help to have at least a few who know what it is, of course.


Congrats on the position, I have read your posts. You seem knowledgeable with the program, and that is the key for this responsibility. Good Luck!


Feel free to e-mail me if you want. Send me a private message, and I will respond with a good e-mail for you to contact me at.


Kevin Majka

Crossroads District Venturing Chair


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OGE --


I feel for you. You're in a bind that may be larger than you know. How could you turn down a council Venturing position and still look the young lady in your Crew who has accepted a Regional Position in the eye?


It's not us you have to answer to.


I think you would do very well in the position and that you're getting excellent advice. I've also heard that the Greater Pittsburgh Council is doing great things in Venturing. We're a bit behind the 8 ball here, but we're getting better. I'd be happy to offer advice and counsel.



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Greater Pitt. Is the Metro Council I was referring too. The Lad they have in Venturing was a DE here in the District in which I now serve.

We did a real good job of teaching him the ropes. His Dad is still active in our Council.

If the pro in your area needs a hand I'm sure he will will offer his advice. He and I do keep in contact. He is a good kid.


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