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Do Venturers really care about Venturing's History


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Bob I have been looking more into the present day programs but I do see a lot of the old in with a lot of the new. What I say on this forum has been a lot of what I have said to other Venturing adult leaders, not so much to the youth. I will be honest I do use a lot of the new and a lot of the old in my advise to advisors but I try to stay within the Venturing program of today. A lot of what was done then is still what we are doing now. I go by BSA's book all the way as far as commissioner service, I like the history of Venturing and Exploring. A crew or ship can do what it wants to do as long as it is within BSA's parameters. It is not my purpose to confuse anyone including myself. I will admit I will think outside of the box if I need to. I also can follow the beaten path if I need to in my advice to crews. I noticed in Venturing there is a lot of leave way. My posts on here are for discussion and idea exchange not to confuse people and If I have confused you it was not my intention. Just honest and frank discussion and idea exchange.

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About the double postings I have informed the Scouter network, I don't think there is anything they can do about it. I do only click once on the "submit your message" button . If anyone has any ideas please let me know I don't like it any more than you do

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God help those poor young Marines for whom the heritage of the Marine Corps becomes an important part of what they are. They know what the Marines have done and what they represent so they know what they have to live up to.


No sports coach has any problem telling his team about past glory and how they need to win to maintain the school's honor.


Tell Scouts about the heritage of Scouting? Tell them about the great deeds of Scouts? Nah! That's boring an irrelevant.


Let's cut out the Scouting Birtday celbrations, they're meaningless in today's context. Baden who? Left hand clasp? Doesn't make sense and confuses the boys. Get rid of it. Wood Badge? That's a silly name. Oh, the name is steeped in heritage, lore and history. So? Call it Advanced Scouter Leadership, Management and Team Building Training.


"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

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well lets all chase the dog's tail once more, heh Bob, lets all forget the scout oath, scout law, venturing code and oath, the pledge to the flag, forget all the good parts of the Boy Scouts of America because they are a little traditional, let's all modernize the BSA once more time, so if we remember history and tradition, let's not tell the youth they don't care about it anyway. This organization and it's divisions have a proud history and tradition, yes there has many changes over the years but a lot of troops, crews, packs and ships, have a good tradition but let's sacrifice it on the altar of today, no remembrance, if you are under 21 years

of age, no history, no tradition, let's spoon feed you today's new modern and improved tradition, with it's compromises.

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Why should we forget the Oath, Law, Pledge or any other part of today's scouting?


At what point did anything I wrote suggest that? But why would a leader today need to know the indian story of Akela to be a good Cub Scout Leader, or Artificial Respiration to be a good troop leader, or the old requirements of the Ranger Award to be a Venturing Adviser.


To be a good leader today you need to know and follow today's program. If you want to collect scout memorabilia then you need to know about old handbooks.


No one is saying to scrap todays program, on the contrary it would be nice to see today's leaders embrace it, follow it and excel at it. That requires knowing today's youth, and today's methods, not those of decades ago.



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" Artificial Respiration to be a good troop leader,"


Your mother must have been frightened by a first aid instructor when she was carrying you, that's the only explanation for your obsession with artificial respiration.


Dana, Bob White is like Pooh. He has only so much procession power and to expend that worrying about what has happened in the past taxes that power. Remember, what exists now is all that we need to know, all that we'll ever need to know and all that we should ever want to know. Unless, BSA reduces the amount of information required for any activity.

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