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More big council mergers coming?


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This one was truely belivable, because it definately could be what they are thinking.. So more of an April fools scare..


A condensing of a whole bunch of small council's in one state is forseeable, but they are doing some mega condensing with about 4 states somewhere between Ill. and Kansas. So very believable.


I like the whaling one too even though it is easy to quickly discover it being an April fools joke, but it was funny.. We had two scouts over to the house and presented it to them..


They did not catch on it was April Fools, but did catch on it was not true, and were reading and laughing about them.. They are going to present it to the Troop..


(This message has been edited by moosetracker)

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I still want to know how merging all these councils into one Mega council and then hiring more DE's Saves money.....




I am not one of these volunteers that will just blindly follow or Believe what a pro says....Nor do I believe they have my scouts best interest in mind.




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I am not one of these volunteers that will just blindly follow or Believe what a pro says....Nor do I believe they have my scouts best interest in mind.


Because pros want your kids to suffer while they cover themselves in honey and roll naked in your money?


You're probably right to be skeptical of the reasons they give you for things, but they make a conscious decision to work for a lower wage than their skillset usually demands in order to make a difference through a program they believe in. They probably have your scouts best interests in mind.


I am not one of these volunteers that inexplicably hates people who spend 40+ hours a week thinking about what I only have to for 10+


DE's are cheap in comparison to a lot of the extraneous sort of people they have to hire. Replace those more expensive people with cheaper people who work more closely with local folks and the program benefits.


The Mega councils are still a bad idea in my opinion, but their rationale at least makes sense.


I just don't think a Mega council can possibly maintain a level of decentralized power over program that ends up serving Scouts and Scouters best.

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  • 1 month later...

They are not closing any camps!!! The area 2 camping committee is looking at the usage of camps this summer and will determine future actions based on these results. Our camps in michigan overall lost $500,000, and most camps were at less then half capacity overall. Camps will be reasigned as cub camps or venture bases not closed!!! The area 2 merger also has almost no effect on most if not all volunteers except a simple patch change. DE's only make about 30-40k a year for working 60+ hours a week, they are very cheep and undervalued. Our SE are the people who make real money and there actually will be fewer but right now through the transition some people have not moved around yet. Plus as far as gas, most of our camps are quite close to each other i.e. P.B.S.R., Northwoods, and Cole Canoe base are within 20 miles of each other. Camp Rotary and Lost Lake are also within 20 miles of each other. They have not gotten rid of service centers yet because with us in transition we still need them, but next year we will have a reduction in service centers. In reality we do not need the sercice center buildings because all our events will have to be paid for online and our DEs will work from home.

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>>"They are not closing any camps!!! The area 2 camping committee is looking at the usage of camps this summer and will determine future actions based on these results.">"Plus as far as gas, most of our camps are quite close to each other i.e. P.B.S.R., Northwoods, and Cole Canoe base are within 20 miles of each other. Camp Rotary and Lost Lake are also within 20 miles of each other.">"In reality we do not need the sercice center buildings because all our events will have to be paid for online and our DEs will work from home."

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Our council has already put all events online and many of them you can not actually pay in person, they will tell you to go online.

Actually they did state before the merger that no summer camp will close in the first 3 years so we know for the next year or two that all will stay open. This deals with the fact that we no longer have out of council fees for camps that might be in our "leagacy" council.

>>>Do you think that families will choose to pay for internet over rent or food? What about all of those families that do not have computers (yes they are out there)? Do you think they will choose to use gas needed to get to work (or look for work) to drive around for internet usage? The camps are close to each other, not necessarily close to the members homes.

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Well it is great if you do allow DE's to work from home. I know some of our DE's have to travel a distance to go to the home office, and they hold like 3 meetings manditory meetings a week.. Me thinks someone at council making sure his own job had lots of fluff.. DE's want to spend time out in the fields, yet spend alot of time in the office at meetings being asked why they are not out in the field more..

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Moose you are completely right about DEs. We need more boots on the ground is the common phrase up here. That is why most of our districts will have multiple DEs. My own district is getting a second one and we cover 5 counties! The district just north of me has like 9 counties.

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All interesting comments, but the short answer to the question is, yes, you are going to continue to see council's being merged.


It is simply a matter of being thrifty and responsible stewards of funds, funds that have to be spent wisely to get the most benefit to the youth of our communities.

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