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Change in rechartering date


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Our unit was told by our DE that he would try to have our unit rechartered in January instead of the usual March timeframe.


Since our scouting year is just getting started, our new scouts are paying the prorated price from September/Octoboer through March (7 Months). and since we rechartered in March of last year - all of our returning scouts are ''paid up'' through March.


Why would units change the rechartering date?


When he talked about it - he mentioned just paying the $10 per scout BSA fee - which would mean we overpayed for the current year since we are paid through March - but i am sure i will have fun explaining how 90 days after they joined - they need to pay for next year.

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Some years back our council changed all the units from September recharter to Jan recharter. We paid 18 months registration one time and then went yearly. Your DE needs to wait one year and have your unit recharter for 10 months instead of 12 this coming March 2008. Rechartering in Jan 2008 at the $10 rate means you would be owed 60 days from you old charter which would be an accounting nightmare for the Council.


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personally, i never understood - why not recharter at the beginning of the school year? (our group is cub scouts btw)


it seems like the switch will benefit the council (dollar wise) since those who dont recharter in january - wouldnt they then need to recharter in order to complete their rank for that year? (assuming they didnt earn it before then)

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Just a few years ago, recharter was a fairly big "stubby pencil" drill, and took lots of clerical support, from the unit, from the Unit Commissioner (who may or may not have done his/her job), and from the Council professional and clerical staff.


So.... the powers to be generally spread out charters, so about 1/12 came in during any one month.


Now... thank the Good Lord we have internet recharter. Info goes in once (of course G-I-G-O applies) and then gets maintained. Youth and adults can migrate amongst programs and districts as needed for their best development.


AFAIKS, Councils are now tying their recharters to their corporate fiscal year. That certainly is what mine is doing.(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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Our recharter was changed from April to January last year. We cooperated and returned it to the office in a timely manner. Four months later when I called the Council office looking for our membership cards I was told they couldn''t print them until ALL the units had rechartered. Apparently there was one unit that had not finished their paperwork and they were holding up the entire council. We had to wait until June to get our cards, 6 months after recharter!!!


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That is where you have your Chartered Organization Representative call the Council President (a volunteer) and the SE (a Professional) and say "What in the devil are you guys doing? Get my youth and leaders their cards."




On page 2 of the Recharter Report from Scout.net, there is a field for the Boy''s Life subscription period. In the case of my Crew, the charter year was Jan 1 to Dec 31, but the BL subscription year was March 07 to Feb 08. Your CM, SM, Advisor, COR or IH puts his hands on the recharter report, so one of them should be able to tell you!


HTH both of you.



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Do you happen to be from the Atlanta Area Council? If so, after the membership scandals there a couple of years back, there may be some intense validation and audit tests before the Council locks in Charters and prints cards.


Even so, ask your Chartered Organization Representative (the guy/gal who supervises the use of the Scouting program for your Chartered Partner) to call the Scout Executive and ask for a "no bull" explanation. Civic organization license (charter) the Scouting program from the BSA local council, and the Council has fiduciary obligations (mainly involving the general liability insurance coverage) to the Chartered Partner!(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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