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Who hires a Scout Executive?


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While I have never been part of the entire process the last time we hired a Scout Exec.

We let the Region know that we needed the position filled. The Executive Board selected a group to be the Selection Committee.

I'm not sure how the applications came to the Selection Committee??

But the Selection Committee reviewed the applications, making a list of those that they would like to interview. From there it was an interview process until the selection committee made their selection. They then reported to the Board who voted on their selection.

The Scout Exec. serves the board they hire him or her. He reports to them and working with the Council President and the Council Commissioner is part of the Council key 3.

While we might from time to time moan and groan about the Scout Exec. It is worth remembering that it was the volunteers who hired him or her.

We would of course like to think that the selection committee would choose a person who will lead the council to greatness!! However it sometimes happens that the selection committee will look at the council and the soft spots and then hire a person who shows past experience in dealing with strengthening up these soft spots. If a council is showing signs of losing membership the selection committee might look at candidates that show good results in other positions building up membership.In our case the Selection Committee was looking for a person with a good track record in fund raising.


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Applications come to the selection committee from the regional office who gather the names from a pool of elegible professionals. Which professionals are available is determined on a number of factors including council size, financial resources, performance evaluation of the professional, tenure and experience, interest of the professional to relocate to that area, Their carreer track, etc.


Usually a council is given 3 to 5 applicants to choose from. If after reviewing applications and interviewing candidates the council selection committee feels that none are suitable, a second pool of candidates is offered.


The BSA sets the minimum employment package that a Council can offer the candidate, but the final employment agreement is left for the council executive board to determine.

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Having twice been on a selection committee, I can indicate that what Eamonn and BW have written is essentially exactly in line with my experience.


A few additional items:


1) The council may request that a particular person be included in the pool. This request may, or may not, be honored.

2) I believe we were given about 8-10 names and folders to consider. In one case, we interviewed three and in the other four.

3) The individual is essentially hired immediately after the interview day before the candidates leave.

4) This is an extremely structured process. While it is unusual for volunteers, it is very common for the regional staff.

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