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I'll be around, but more quiet


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Good evening folks:


Today is December 1 and I'll admit I've been a bit more quiet on these forums lately (with the exception of last weekend when I had some time on my hands.) It's only going to be more quiet from the Steele front as I try my best to help this council achieve quality objectives when it appears many councils will not achieve them this year.


I still love you and will lurk when I can. I'll post when I have the chance as well, but I'm not going to be as prolific over the next 30 days as I have for the past 90.


All we need to do is come up with 230 new youth and six units before the end of the year and we will have achieved our objectives. That's not a lot for a big council, but it is a lot for a small council. Unfortunately, we are a small council.


I bid your leave for the next 30 days -- although I'm sure I'll pop up from time to time.


Wish me luck.


This is what I do and have done for the past 15 years.


Time to rock and roll local style . . .



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"He that outlivea this day,and comes safe home,Will stand tip-toe when this day is named...."

Dave My Old China,

The best of British Luck in your quest. While I don't know where we are as a Council. As a District we are plus one in everything other then the Lads who wear the blue. Sad to say we are still 80 away. As yet we have not given up.I hope that you make it.

"And gentlemen of England now a-bed

shall think accurs'd that they were not here"

Give em your best shot.


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I was just asked tonight about getting a V crew started at my church. We had one before and it fizzled because the leaders had to quit. I would like to involve the whole youth group, but the youth minister thinks it would just add to her duties. I know that just the opposite would be true. With district and council scheduled events, and the lower costs, not to mention the insurance and use of BSA facilities, for the life of me I can't understand why she is still opposed. Is there a selling point out there that we haven't used already? However now that I am the Scouting coordinator at the church, I will have more input into what happens at the executive board meetings. This is a kid glove kind of process. The leaders of the church still think that the church only allows the scouts to meet there, not that they are a part of the ministry of the church. Any help would be appreciated. By the way, we are United Methodists.

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I'm not involved in the new unit process, I just read about the results so I really don't know what they do. However, off the top of the head you might want to ask someone from a church with a Crew to call this guy and tell him about the program.


I'd be willing to bet that the youth minister WOULD allow it to make more work for him because he WOULDN'T be willing to let the youth run it.



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ASM7 - take a look at this with the youth minister: http://www.umcscouting.org/ Click the link to Training and scroll down to a powerpoint presentation which you can download called: 10 Reasons To Consider Scouting A Ministry. There are a few references that you might need to update or make specific to your area, but it looks rather worthwhile. Perhaps this will help her see the value of having your congregation starting up a venture crew.

(This message has been edited by CubsRgr8)

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Thanks for the link. I have saved it and will send it to both the DE and the Membership Chair.

Hey it's quiet around here without the Steele man. You know he might be watching all the 007 movies with that other Steele guy in them.


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Thanks, Red. It means a lot.


We're narrowing the gap. When I started the thread, we were down 6 units and 230 kids (traditional youth) from Quality standards. We now have identified enough kids to where we only need to find another 40 or so to nail the goal. I'll know more after the roundtables tonight and the staff meetings tomorrow.


We're chipping away at it and if all goes well, we'll make it . . . and so will the kids we bring into Scouting in this late year effort to grow in membership. We've been steadily ahead of last year by between 1.5% and 3% every month so far this year and I'd hate to see us not be 2% on 12/31/03.


It's not the number itself, it's the members the number represents.



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You may have already checked this, but I overheard two of my district leaders talking about their membership shortage and one thing they did to find missing youth was to check Popcorn order forms against each unit charters. They found 40 scouts that way.

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