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Talk About a Reversal of Fortune...


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I debated posting this, and then I debated whether to make this its own thread or tack it on to the Perceptions about Scouting Professionals. I even debated burying this in another thread or just never talking about it. And if you think thats confusing, I think all four of my personalities are exhausted.


Just back from the first three days of Woodbadge. I knew a fellow ASM form my troop would be there, imagine my delight to find two other commitee members from my troop there as well. They had just recently decided to "take the plunge" While I was basking in that warm and fuzzy glow, I recognized our District Executive in a Patrol. He wasnt visititng, he is taking the course! Then, at another patrol table, I saw another of the Council's District Executives, also enrolled in the course (there are 45 attendees). My head was swimming, and then, one of the Council's Field Directors is introduced as the assistant Scoutmaster for the course. To top it off, the Council Executive was there for lunch, and hung around a bit.


A scout has to be honest. I have to say my perceptions about my Councils professionals were wrong and you can be sure I will tell other scouters that the execs were there.

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What if he did? Is it a bad thing that the Scout Executive wants his staff Wood Badge Trained. Would the experience of learning and developing along with the local volunteers be bad for their local scouting program?


Is there nothing positive you have to offer about today's scouting?


My father-in-law retired after over 50 years as a brick mason. He likes to remind pessimists that any idiot can knock a building over but it takes a craftsman to build one.


Sounds to me like the Scout Executive and his staff are trying to build something good in their council. It also sounds like you are not.


Bob White



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It could be that the Council Executive told his employees to go do Wood Badge, but I dont think so. If you go back to the summer camp section, you will see that I said our troop would have the Council Exective with us all week. You will also notice in my railings against scouting professionals I always exempted our Council Executive.


The reason? The Council Executive is an ASM in our troop as his son crossed over to us in Feb. While at camp he and two other ASM guided the 22 First Year scouts we had in camp (62 total scouts at camp)through the first year program. He was always a supportive member of out leadership team.


Maybe he did tell his employees to take Wood Badge, if he did he would know its benefit, as he wears his beads proudly. He is the reason I started this whole topic. He is such a breath of fresh air. The current CE is visible, personable, and gives the impression he cares about what you tell him (I guess it could be phony, but the other guy didnt even try to put on an act)


All I want is to have the impression the professionals understand the program. I have it so much more now than ever before.

(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)

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OGE, you're getting Bob White's disease. You're reading too much into my comments.


If your CE and DEs care, that's great, even better than great. However, I've seen too many people simply go to training of all sorts simply to "get their ticket punched."

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Female scouters also take woodbadge training, although I personally don't think of them as chicks. What would be wrong with unattached male and female scouters who share a set of values and an interest, meeting at Woodbadge, or any other scout activity for that matter? Who cares?

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"Female scouters also take woodbadge training, although I personally don't think of them as chicks"


I would consider very few of the women Scouters that I know as chicks. Most don't even qualify as MILFs. For some reason most Scouters of both sexes seem to tend toward the rotund and wear uniforms that are slightly undersized.


FWIW, I'm sure that no woman looks at me and says, "Wow, that's a FILF!" I weigh more than I should but my uniform does fit.



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Is it good these guys are at Woodbadge? Yes. Does the reason matter? Yes.




I have been told I must attend training classes for my job that I didn't want to take for one reason or another. I went & basically it was a waste. It could be the same thing for these guys. Their boss might have some type of quota to meet for Woodbadge trained professionals. Hopefully, these guys got something out of one of the best training courses I ever took.


"I used to be an Eagle ......"


Ed Mori


Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10


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