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NOAC 2006


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  • 4 months later...



The NOAC Staff Leaders have now started discussions re program, staffing, budgets, etc. But so far there have been no official announcements made. My best advice is to keep a daily watch on this site:




I would hazard a guess that we should hear something by mid-November.


In Brotherhood,



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a new adult Arrowman, having completed my Ordeal in September. NOAC sounds interesting, but I have a couple of questions.


Do councils set up contingent troops like Jamboree or do scouts register as individuals?


Are adult members of OA allowed to attend? If so, do they attend the same activities as scouts or are there separate activities?


Thanks in advance for your insights.




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Yes, as stated before individual lodges accept applications and determine travel as the council does with Jamboree.


I was fortunate enough to attend NOAC last summer and if I remember correctly, most activities are attended by both youth and adults (including most training sessions). Patch training is one thing that is enforced and it should only be done on a youth-youth adult-adult basis.


Yours in Brotherhood,



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  • 2 weeks later...

NOAC information packets should be arriving in council offices any day now...


In the mean time some prelimary information I have recieved may be of interest to you all. While I don't have any special insider sources, this is what has trickled down through the system.


Conference fee for NOAC 2006 will be $345, $10 more than last time.


Lodges will be given a larger number of slots. Most NOACs have about 7,000 Arrowmen. 2006 slots will be based on 10,000. The university has room for 17,000 if need be. If you have more people than slots, request more and you will likely get them.


The 2 youth to 1 adult ratio used in the past is being relaxed to 1 youth per 1 adult. (Most lodges find they have many adults willing to pay and go, but not so many youth. Since the available space at the conference was normally quite limited most spaces were reserved for youth. This time around lodges can bring more adults without decreasing the number of youth they have traditionally taken.)

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Proud Eagle,


I got that same information from our Section Adviser (yes we are from the same section! :) )

Anyways, none of that is official. I think all of it except for the 1:1 ration is safe to assume. The NOAC website should be up shortly.


Yours In Service,

Lodge Chief

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As an MSU Alumni I'm extremely pleased and proud that the 2006 NOAC will be held at Michigan State. Its a beautiful campus with an abundance of trees, gardens and trails. You can even grab a canoe and paddle up the Red Ceder river that runs through campus.


All of this natural beauty is a short walk to a great city of East Lansing. If your going have a great time.

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Thanks Proud Eagle, my lodge as well has just received the notification from the National Office including all of the information you have posted. I'm ready for NOAC 2006!


FYI!!! The Chilantakoba Lodge #397, of the Southeast Louisiana Council, WILL be attending NOAC 2006! Those of us from the great city of New Orleans have begun the process of rebuilding and we have begun plannning our trip to NOAC next summer. Please read my article at http://allthingsoa.com/ dated Tuesday, November 22nd, 2005 with the title "Southeast Louisiana Council - back on the saddle!


Yours in Brotherhood,


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  • 8 months later...



Does anyone remember the exact wording of the two side banners on the screen at the end of the final show? They were displayed at the sides of the poster Brandon had made. The upper part was "Love One Another". What was the lower part?

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OJ and the members of Wagion Lodge 6 returned late on Saturday.

Many clutching over-sized stuffed animals that they had won at Ceder Park (I now have a stuffed green monkey in the passenger seat of the Explorer -We'll see what Rory makes of that!)

They all said that they had a good time.

Many Thanks to everyone who helped make it so.

One year I'm going to try and make it, I just don't know when. (I have never attended a NOAC)


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  • 3 weeks later...

I know they must have had a ball. We live in Lansing Michigan about 15 minutes from MSU and despite 100+ heat and no ac in the dorm rooms, my son didn't even once call to ask if he could sleep in his air conditioned room and have dad drop him off in the morning (my husband is a PHD chemist at MSU). He did, however, call home for a fan and money!!!!

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