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What is this award?


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While browsing google on random scouting awards I was linked to this EBay posting




He list it as the "OA Service Medal" It looked neat and I was curious so i googled and it and was not able to find any information on it. Can anyone tell me about this award?? I would like to see if its something I could earn because it looks pretty cool, or is it another one of this discontinued programs?


Again I would like to earn this not buy it but I think he gave it the wrong name because my searches turn up nothing.

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It WAS something you could earn during a 3 year period (you could earn it each year, for a total of 3. You added a small pin for the 2ns & 3rd time you owned it). It was then replaced with a similiar award called the "Leadership in Service" award that could be earned over a 3 year period. The LiS award ended a couple of years back, so this was available about 5-6 years ago.



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It wasn't discontinued. It was intended to only run for 3 years. Its the Arrowmen Service award, and ran from 2001-2003. I found info on it at the National OA site: http://www.oa-bsa.org/misc/anr/asa/asa-implement.htm


I also found info on the National OA site for the Leadership in Service Award, which followed it: http://www.oa-bsa.org/misc/anr/lis/leadinservice.htm


The Leadership in Service Award ran from 2005-2007.


I would have thought they'd do it again, maybe running up to 2010, but didn't happen. Will they do this again between now and 2015?? No idea.

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I hope they do, those look neat. I wish I would have known about that one when I got in in 2006. Im not sure I get why there only 3 year programs? They encourage arrow-men to do service to their lodge/council/camp why would they make a limited thing?


Also is 2015 our 100th year for OA?

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