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OA What


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I think I see what Frank is getting at. OA members are elected by their fellow scouts...not just other OA members, but all of the troop members. Sometimes the results are not what the adults would have predicted or wanted. Before any scout can be put on the ballot, he must be approved by the SM. If there are issues with the scout (like Scout Spirit), that needs to be addressed by the SM before the scout is allowed on the ballot. Over the years, I have seen scouts "passed over" by their fellows, and couldn't figure out why. One of them is currently awaiting is Eagle BOR...but was never elected to OA. Maybe his troop-mates know something I don't...

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Fellow Scouter and Fellow Arrowmen,



Regarding Scoutldr post. I can share the same sentiment. I've driven and accompanied election teams a few times. Sometimes the Arrowmen may know a few Scouts in the other troop, sometimes I know a few leaders and Scouts.


But at the end of the election. Usually the election team is extremely happy with the results. When every Scout nominated by the Scoutmaster is voted in, the Chapter election team is very happy.


In other troops and on other nights, sometimes, the election team has walked away with 1 out of 10, 1 out of 20 being successfully elected in. Sometimes they never know the character of the Scout, but only that one single Scout barely exceeded 50 percent of the vote. The election team can only imagine that the troop did not understand the rules (repeated numerous times), or they do not believe many of them are worthy of the honor of becoming an Arrowman. After the election team walks out of the troop meeting location, we rarely have said Ouch! That was brutal.


But after the troop votes, there is nothing more the election team can do. All the election team can do is submit the election tally report to the chapter/lodge registrar.


Hopefully, the one Scout voted into the OA in those troops are honesty worthy of the OA brotherhood; and regretfully their own fellow Scouts have missed the opportunity to elect a few additional excellent Arrowmen candidates.


To add to this disappointment, is when the parents don't send their candidate Scout (their son) to the Ordeal weekend. My Chapter and Lodge always have a percentage of elected candidates that never attend an Ordeal.


Scouting Forever and Venture On!

Crew21 Adv

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It is really important that the SM take his part seriously and disallow any seriously challenged scouts in regard to "Scout Spirit". Like all other elements of the position, he/she needs to do what is needed, no matter what the reservations from an adult concern of dealing with parents who may make them uncomfortable.


As far as the election itself goes, that too needs to have every effort made to make it very clear as to how voting works. Since each scout can vote as many times as there are candidates, then all can be elected, and are in a large percentage of troops. But they also can cast all their votes for one or two, or for only one, or vote only for one or two period, even if 5, say, could be cast. It is up to them. Many are not clear on the vote for "x" number element, or the idea they can split votes. Today of course, if the format is understood, the likely-hood is that all will be elected; not like years back when there were limits as to how many were even eligible and how many eligible could be elected, all based on troop membership totals and eligible totals.


Good luck with the election.



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MaNu Lodge holds elections from September 1st through December 31st. Elections are not held during Summer Camp. Only elections conducted by an official OA election team trained by MaNu Lodge will be considered valid. Members of your own troop may not conduct an election for your troop.


LOL...I took this off the website.

I've never seen them do elections. So this will be new.



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Again, I became an Arrowman as an adult and after I moved from scouting in your district to another district. Each district/chapter is responsible for handling the elections in their chapter. We have some chapters that are not active or have recently been attempting to get reorganized. Your chapter and it's leadership "should" contact the SM of each troop in your district and attempt to schedule an election. Once it is scheduled, an election team would come to one of your meetings and explain the election process and oversee it. If your chapter leadership (boys) do not do their part, then elections might not be held which further causes decline in the chapter. All that being said, I know from experience in working with election teams in my chapter that there are SM's out there who do not support OA and will not allow elections in their troop. First, they usually do not understand OA or choose not to and second, they falsely see it as competing with their troop program. The name of your chapter adviser (adult) is readily available in one of the links I posted. I'd have a discussion with your SM and see if he has been contacted about elections and if not, suggest he contact the chapter adviser.


In our district, we have a Webelos recruitment night called Octoberfest. It is next Monday night. All the district troops who want to participate set up an area to showcase their troop. The Cubs and Webleos come out to make the rounds and visit the troops. Our OA Chapter takes advantage of this night to send the youth leadership around to each troop to talk to the SM and SPL and schedule their unit elections. We then do the OA Call Out for those elected at the following spring District Camporee.

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"there are SM's out there who do not support OA and will not allow elections in their troop"


I've heard that before and don't understand how a District/Council would allow that to happen. OA is an approved part of the BSA program. That would be like an SM unilaterally deciding that he will not approve any scout to take Basketry MB because it serves no purpose. I don't think they should be allowed that authority. If a scout is a registered member of the BSA, he should be able to take advantage of the entire program, not just those parts that the SM agrees with.


end rant

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I fon't like being negative, but very often the mantra here is to contact your COR or the UC or the DAC or the DE. I've been involved in a past situation were we needed the COR and UC involved as well as other district level folks. The basic answer....even from the COR....was, "you are all grown ups, play nice and leave us alone." Usually, units are left to do things the way they want to do things. The district or council can suggest that an SM allow elections in the unit, but very likely won't enforce it. What are they going to do, fire him? He works for the IH and COR. He can only be removed by pulling his membership and not allowing elections doesn't qualify for that kind of action. If they were in that kind of business, every unit would be fully uniformed at every meeting and boy run and I don't see that happening.

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I'm in the OA and its a good organization


Like all organizations that are volunteer run it has its up and down and levels of quality can differ.


In our Troop if you have met the requirements you are eligible at election time. I have seen the kids who deserve it not get in though.


I also have seen a few OA boys think they are better than others because they are in the Honor Society and so and so isn't. I ignore them as best as I can, but I imagine that they can ruin things for everyone else or send a wrong message.

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