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OA Call-out


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What do you do if a boy that's been elected can't attend the Call-out ceremony? I've heard everything from, he has to wait for another call-out, to he has to be re-elected, to he'll be notified and sent to an Ordeal anyway. I'm really confused. Can anyone shed light on this issue? Also, is your answer in some National OA guideline that I can use when talking with fellow OA Advisors? (We're not in the "show me" state, but it might as well be!



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Our Council performs call-out ceremonies each week at Summer Camp.


I was wondering if your Council might do the same? If the Scout can't make it to Camp the week your Troop is attending, maybe he could go another week?


I also know that out-of-council Scouts take part in our Call-Out Ceremonies at camp. Obviously some paperwork is filed between the two councils.

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The call-out ceremony is optional. Every Council has their own ceremony. Participating in a call-out is in no way a requirement for induction into the Order.


Having said that, I recommend that every candidate be called out if at all possible. It is usually a very impressive ceremony and a good recognition of the Scout in front of his peers in the Troop.


Another benefit of the call-out is that if it is done well it stirs interest in the Order in the younger members of the Troop.


Your Lodge should notify the candidate of the time and place of the Ordeal and congratulate him on his election.


My source is p. 28 of the OA Guide for Officers and Advisers, 1999 revision.


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Last summer my son had to cancel summer camp unexpectedly. In fall, A few weeks before the event, he gets a letter from our council telling him he needs to sign up for Ordeal. He shows the letter to his SM & the SM says "Oh Yea - you were elected, you need to go if you want to be in OA."


Never called-out, never told he was elected, never given advance notice (other than the letter from council) of the date of the Ordeal. As a result he was unable to go to the Fall Fellowship because he was sheduled to work, could not find anyone to fill in for him, and could not just call in sick.


SM now says he needs to be re-elected. However, he has received another letter from council telling him that the Spring Fellowship is his last chance to be inducted into OA. I know that he has 1 year to do his Ordeal, and council obviously agrees. He is a bit leery about going on his own, but he signed up thru council.


I believe his SM has planned a Troop camping trip for that weekend.


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Council is correct - your son can complete his Ordeal during the Spring Fellowship. (And has 1 year to complete the Ordeal or he will have to go through the election process again.)


My son's SM also scheduled a Troop Camp-out the weekend of the Fall Fellowship/Ordeal weekend (not a big fan of the OA). My son chose to go through his Ordeal. He is now a Brotherhood member and the Administrative Vice Chief of the Lodge.

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Our council has "tap-out" each week at Summer Camp. Any who have missed the opportunity at District Camporees can be done at camp. If that is not possible, we have had teams go to unit meetings.

The book says the candidate has one year from election to complete Ordeal. This might be great, but when elections are hels many times 2 to 3 months before Summer Camp, this does not give the candidate much time. Our Exec decide it was better to give them one year from "tap-out". This gives them 3 weekends to do the Ordeal within the next year.

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The Call-out is a public recognition of his election to the Order.


It's similar to a commencement. Just because you don't attend commencement doesn't mean you don't graduate.


His Call-out ceremony won't affect his election. He should be notified about when he can complete his Ordeal weekend and become a member.


I have boys that miss the call-out ceremony at Camporee every year. They are still invited to complete their Ordeal and become members of the Order of the Arrow.


If you still have any concerns, you should call your local council service center and they should be able to provide you with a definitive answer.


Cliff Golden

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