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OA Tapout & Ordeal


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To update on the original questions... the lodge gave approval for callout and ordeal activities except for the sharing of the history. Of the three boys who were under consideration one withdrew his name and the other two have elected to undertake the ordeal this fall.

As was made clear through this thread Lodges have by-laws (or should). It is possible to be called out during in a ceremony that takes place out of Lodge (council) but most of the participants in this thread seemed to feel that the only place to undertake the ordeal is in the Lodge in which you will be active. (ASM1's transfer understood.)


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I am an Eagle Scout who just earned my second silver palm. I was voted into the OA in 2000. To this date I still have not been tapped out. The members of the OA lodge had a meeting and actually voted not to accept the canddidates that were elected by our troop. One of the unique qualities of OA is that members are elected by non-members. What is the point of this if the lodge members can vote not to accept those who are voted in?

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What you describe is highly unusual. I can't imagine a lodge leadership council throwing out an entire election unless there were some really serious problems with the way the election was conducted. There has got to be more to this story.


Also, while non-members vote in elections for OA, persons already inducted into OA also vote in unit elections.

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I have never heard of such a situation. The OA members are elected by troop members. Unless the entire election was deemed invalid for some reason, the Lodge has no right to deny membership.


I would contact the Lodge Advisor or if that doesnt work, the District or Council Executive and ask for an explanation of why I had been denied membership when elected by my troop members.

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The Lodge Advisor said that since our unit's election report was recieved a day late (two weeks before the tap-out, I may add), the members voted on wether or not to accept the new candidates. In the words of one of the members that was present for that vote, "Nobody knew you so you didn't get in...Sorry!" The lodge has refused to tap out members of our troop three years in a row for various reasons, but this one is by far the most arrogant. The OA member quoted herien actually told me that had I been known by some of the members that prticipated in the vote, I would have gotton in. To me, the OA seems more like some massive "click" than a "Society of Honor Campers".

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May I ask where your Scoutmaster is regarding this situation? Were this my troop and my candidates had not been tapped out in three years I would be up in arms and in someone's face.


Im also confused about the Lodge itself not allowing the tapout. OA members are elected by their own troop members, with the Scoutmaster having approval of the candidates. I have never heard of the lodge itself then voting on candidates.

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Three posts? I have seen duplicate posts before, but not triplets.


Anyway, going to the subject at hand. Taking what rbuffum has said totally at face value, I wouldn't waste time at the district level, but I would go straight to the Council Executive.


To echo eagle90, what is your scoutmaster been thinking of letting this go on this long? The OA is far from a perfect institution and I have seen OA paperwork messed up by both scoutmasters and the OA volunteers. Missing a two week lead time for callout is not a good reason for rejecting an entire list of duly elected candidates. This lodge needs to be shaken up severely.

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I have to agree with eisely, your right, the Council is the place for this. District exposure is also a plan to envoke to get to that top man in Council. Everyone will be hot about it and force the issue.


And that lodge shake up? Oh My! You bet your Eagle rank it needs to be shaken up, until the bad apples fall out.



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I have to agree with eisely, your right, the Council is the place for this. District exposure is also a plan to envoke to get to that top man in Council. Everyone will be hot about it and force the issue.


And that lodge shake up? Oh My! You bet your Eagle rank it needs to be shaken up, until the bad apples fall out.



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I would like to thank all of you for your input. Me, my SM, and two other eagles faced with the same situation have scheduled a meeting with our District Executive to discuss the situation (Since the Council Executive is out of town). I'll be sure to post what happens.

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At the close of your conversation, be sure to ask politely when the DE will get back to you. That puts him (or her) under subtle pressure to meet a deadline. A lot of people have trouble dealing with conflict. Don't be surprised if you get put off repeatedly.

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