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What is required for 100% Boys life status


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What constitutes "100% Boys's Life" participation in a troop concerning receiving Boys Life Magazine. Some in our committee argue that "each and every boy in the troop must have their own subscription to Boy's Life Magazine" to have the 100% status. The other group says that " each FAMILY in the troop must have a subscription to Boy's Life Magazine" as in if there are 2 or 3 brothers in a family only 1 subscription is needed to qualify for 100% Boys Life participation. Is this written anywhere to prove this rule?

Thank you.

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"Is this written anywhere to prove this rule?"


The old Quality Unit Award form 14-221 says "A subscription to Boys' Life will go into the homes of all our Boy Scout members". The new Centennial Quality Awards program 14-175 says 100 percent of families subscribing to Boys Life.

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Since the new Centennial Quality Unit Award committment sheet says 100% of families will subscribe to Boys Life, the that would mean a Boys Life subscription in every household ie:(if there was a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout in the family and the Boy Scout was receiving BL, then for both the pack and troop they would count.

David Harrison

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"if there was a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout in the family and the Boy Scout was receiving BL, then for both the pack and troop they would count."


True, but the boys would be short changed. There are different issues for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts.




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