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Fundraising ideas based on merit badges


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I was recently going over Personal Fitness merit badge with my Troop, and thought about having a Fitness-a-thon. You know, kind of like a walk-a-thon; scouts would go to family and friends and ask for donations based on how many pushups/situps/etcetera that they could do. Works for other badges, too, like Swimming or Cycling.

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Please NO!!

I thought the -A- Thons were dead!!

For a while it seemed everyone was on the -A-Thon-Wagon

Walk-A-Thon, Spell-a-Thon, Swim-A-Thon.

Sometime back a local kindergarten had a Hop-A-Thon!!

I think scoutldr makes a valid point. I agree that these things are not a good Scout like fund raising event.

I got really stung once.

A Lad informed me that he wasn't a very good swimmer. I sponsored him at a fairly high rate per length and he did something like 50 lengths of the pool!!

After that I went to a straight donation.

Our Council doesn't have any of these type of events. Our District used too when we had a District Chairman who is a real bowling fanatic. But that was about 10 or 12 years back.

He is a very good friend of mine and did suggest to me that we resurrect the event! Needless to say we didn't.

Please let the thons RIP.


Just as an after thought you could make things and sell them and tie that into a MB.

Baskets, Pots, Photos come to mind.

(This message has been edited by Eamonn)

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I've even seen things go so far as a kick-a-thon and a flip-a-thon, lol. Actually, I was just thinking about the Scout Law, about how a Scout is Clean. Came up with the phrase 'Trash Bash', basically another a-thon without the 'a-thon' part. Thinking it could be a contest to see who could collect the most trash. Most of the pure garbage would just be thrown out, cleaning up our streets, but the glass bottles and aluminum cans could be sold to the city for recycling purposes.

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Don't forget about the Salesmanship Merit Badge. Every year, when we had our fund raiser, we had Salesmanship as the monthly theme. We did role playing of how to sell, practiced it and had the Scouts pretty excited. The PLC set a reasonable quota for each Scout and those who sold that quota them met all the requirements for the Merit Badge.

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