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popcorn issue w/cubmaster


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" Maybe this is a way of gently explaining to your well-meaning (take it on faith that he is well-meaning...it'll make your job easier...) but errant leader that they shouldn't be setting up fundraising events without the pack's knowledge/permission."



Unfortunately, in this case the errant leader (CM) was the Popcorn Chair. It is the job of the Popcorn Chair to set up popcorn sales. I do not know of any Popcorn Chair who runs sales past the Committee for permission first. I know that I sure don't.


This year I set up 21 Booth Sales with 48 shifts. If I had to get Committee permission before I contacted each business it would be a mess. Sign-up sheets are out at each Pack meeting for parents/scouts. Some sales have had to be canceled because no one signed up, some were shortened because either the shift workers never showed or no one signed up, & some were run with only 1 family working it. These decisions were made by me, as Popcorn Kernal, & NOT run past Committee for permission.


The fact that he made his son & 1 other Scout do (?#) hours of selling on their own at a store was not a good choice, but as Popcorn Chair it was HIS choice.



Jamie - A hint for next year - Look for someone with a girl in Girl Scouts & experience working/running their cookie program. Not only will they be more likely to volunteer for the boys if they are already working with the girls, but you will have someone who has a clue how to run the sale!


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Scoutnut, I understand that different units have different approaches, so what worked for me might differ than what works for you. I do know that in the units I'm familiar with though, the committee does expect to be aware of any special programs various leaders are organizing, preferably before the fact, and this includes the popcorn kernal. Committees want to be sure the programs run by chairs of this-n-that are in line w/ the pack's overall program and BSA principles - that's the committee's most important job. So yes, the committee could tell a program chair "no" if they wanted to do something problematic.


As for running a large # of sales past the committee for approval: yes, I've done that. Of course I wouldn't want to do it ad hoc - rather I'd want to put my coherent plan (we'll have this many sales, in these places on these dates, staffed by these leaders/parents) to the committee all at one time.


Anyway I was just trying to come up with some tactful reasons, based on my own experiences, for the CC to use to explain to this popcorn kernal/CM why he really ought to check in w/ the committee before planning any program where it appears that he is representing the pack or where his actions might cause problems for the pack.


Your gs cookie idea is a good one - as long as the person in question isn't still having nightmares about organizing that one!



A good old bobwhite too!

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