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So What if Girls joined, The changes to the BSA

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I don't think the cupcake GS programs (search the posts of other members to get what I'm talking about) will see a mass exodus to our kind of program until we have adult females who buy into the year-round outdoor program. It's one thing to send little junior into the capable hands of Mr./Mrs. CampinSnow it's another thing to become that person to fulfill that need!


Right now I can count on my hand the women in my council who will camp in December snows with only what they hiked in on their backs for a few miles.


Intrepid is not what most folks look for in a female leader, but that's what female green bar patrols will need if they are to approach the kind of vision that we push on our boys. At the same time, we need moms or big sisters with that knack for nurturing middle school girls and keeping us guys from hitting the panic button!

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SeattlePioneer writes:

It seems to me that paring a Cub Scout Pack and a Girl Scout or American Heritage Girl unit together is a good way to accomplish that purpose.


That would allow the program to be optimized for girls and for boys.


That would allow the program to be optimized for (straight Christian) girls (only) and for (straight theist) boys (only).

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So why does the Girls scout program stink????



The leaders run units like their own little kingdom.


Unit leaders run the units based on age, neighborhood, race and circle of friends.


Don't necessarily have the best interest of the girls in mind.


Parents get zero return on the money spent on the program


Units form and disappear monthly.


You think the BSA leaders are cliquey. nothing worse than a bunch of man hating catty Type A women....Experienced that a couple of times with GS leaders as a parent wanting to have my daughter join.


Listen ladies, my daughter wants to join girl scouts, you are correct we don't go to your school, you are correct she isn't the same ethnicity as your daughters, Your right we don't make $100k a year..... that's right we live on the other side of the beltway, yes she is younger, older, a tom boy and not the prettiest thing in the world. But she is my daughter and would like to join.



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SeattlePioneer writes:

I'm designing the program I want to build, you are free to do the same.


Just clarifying your statement that your program would be "optimized for girls and for boys"; some would be excluded from the outset.


(The BSA does the same thing, of course, when they say it's for "all boys" when it really isn't).(This message has been edited by Merlyn_LeRoy)

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"nothing worse than a bunch of man hating catty Type A women"

Basementdweller, did you intend for me to snort coffee out my nose just now? ;)

Vicki, where the heck are you? I thought I was pretty good at "sexist claptrap" but now I have found a kindred spirit!

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Pairing AHG and Cub Scouts is not what I want. I _like_ the Cub Scout program: the requirements, the uniform, the badges, the Den and Pack structure, and the aims and methods. I think my daughters would like it and would benefit from it as much as my son. I don't want a whole, separate program for girls that happens to share the same building with the boys. If I wanted that, why not GSUSA?

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Not only do I think enrollment would increase, I think membership retainment would improve. Think about, what is the bigest distraction for boys? It's simple, girls.


I attended the funeral of a Scouting friend yesterday. He was still active on Camp Staff and many of the current staff were present for the service. After seeing all the young women currently working on staff, I remarked to a friend I would have probably worked on staff longer had there been girls on staff. To be fair we did have a 45yo married mother of seven as our Health Officer.



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Pack my daughter still wants to join......



The last group we visited, walked in she introduced herself to the leader. I offered my hand and was told I could leave now and they are done at 8:30.....



So do you leave her or take her.....I walked out not saying a word and she followed me....Said "Daddy that woman was just plain nasty" those were her words.....



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Realistically? probably the same as whats happened elsewhere, and thats not much.

First thing that would have to go or change would be the name The Boy Scouts of America wouldnt cut it as a true co-ed organisation, so as waht ahppened in the Uk in the late 1960's/early 1970's the Boy part could be dropped to just Scouts of America.


Next up would be washroom provision at Scout facilities, if they dont already cater for separate male/female then provision would need to be made


As for camping, and other trips that involve overnight stays, separate accomodation may be required.


As for the rest of scoutsin what shold be changed? the answer would be hardly anything, my opinion was that if girls want to join then they would join to do Scouting on equal terms with everyone else.

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