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“Occupy Wall Street”


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I can't say how pleased I am to see the unions, students and other everyday ordinary people support and join those who are demonstrating in Wall Street.

With any luck all of these groups will come together and with a united front give the twits in the Tea Party a kick in the backside.


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Occupy Wall Street is an anti-semitic, union paid, and transparently liberal government/far-left response to the Tea Party.


Looks like "the rich" are winning now that they've succeeding in pitting Americans against each other.

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LOL. Yah, that seems about right, JoeBob.


If they ever come up with a program, it might develop a head of steam. After all, today we had da nitwit from Bank of America talkin' about how he had a "right" to profit and tens of millions in bonuses for gambling with other people's money.


Used to be banking was a boring profession, eh? Yeh provided a service, and made money on da spread between the interest you paid and what you charged for loans. A nice, comfortable, steady 1-3%. No fees for using a high-cost human teller. Now it seems yeh have a "right" to charge all kinds of fees for providing less service, in order to support your gambling habit in da derivatives market so yeh can get a jazzy 10-20% unsustainable profit at da expense of the national economy.


Then yeh have da folks strugglin' to make ends meet and payin' a higher percentage in taxes than that Bank of America CEO, who nonetheless send their kids into harms way in Afghanistan while da CEO's kids get to go to college and avoid service.


If da protesters actually start to focus, watch out.




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Heck, what's wrong with the program they have now? I can't find any fault with it. Here are a few examples:


-Raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour. I think this would be a great way to end millions of jobs that aren't worth paying someone $20 an hour to do. As an added bonus, since any company still deciding to keep those jobs would have to raise its prices to compensate, this would be a great way to start some hyperinflation. Heck, why not raise it to $100 an hour and make everyone rich! Shazam!


-Free college education. What an awesome idea! Now, since there is a difference between something being truly "free," versus "being paid for by someone other than me," that means all the faculty and administrators will need to work pro bono, we get rid of all those expensive campuses that require upkeep, and so on. A bit chilly in winter, but it will sure save me a ton of money on my kids' college education. What a deal!


-Eliminate all debt. This is great! I have a boatload of stuff I've been looking to buy, so it's time to max out the credit cards. Plus, I've always been worried about whether or not things like Social Security are actually going to be solvent by the time I retire. Guess I don't have to worry about that anymore--POOF! It's gone instantly!


Great stuff!

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There's more evidence to support the statement of OWS being Anti-Semitic than there is to support the accusation of the Tea Party being racist...




Take a look, add that to the numerous signs claiming Jewish control of the Banks, Media, and World in general. Consider that many of these protestors are also pro-Palestine and you have a perfect storm of populist anti-semitism.


The evidence may not be extremely compelling, but there's definitely more proof of the Occupy protests being anti-semitic than Tea Party rallies being racist.

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For all the imperfections of our economic system, the real twits are the OWS people. The financial crisis that unfolded in 2008 was the direct result of government interventions that forced banks to make loans they would not have made without that pressure.


In fairness to the OWS twits, there is one of their demands I actually agree with:


"Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system."


The election system in the various states is under serious attack by left wing activists. We have an election fraud problem in this country and the main stream media do not want to talk about it.


After decades of abuse and scandal, Mexico finally cleaned up its elections, requiring among other things, photo ID for all voters. Mexico runs more honest elections that we do in many parts of our country.

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The evidence may not be extremely compelling, but there's definitely more proof of the Occupy protests being anti-semitic than Tea Party rallies being racist.


BS-87, that's not what you said in the first place. You said the Occupy Wall Street protests were anti-Semitic, now you are couching it behind relative amounts of "proof" in comparison to the so-called "Tea Party." (To me, the actual "Tea Party" were the guys in Boston Harbor in 1773, and for a modern-day political faction to misappropriate that name is ridiculous and wrong, in my opinion.) Anyway, the videos you linked to provide no "proof" of anything. I just wasted more than eight minutes of my life (total for the two videos) watching two obnoxious idiots argue with people, with no indication of any support for their anti-Semitic and anti-Israel positions from anybody else. Most of the people crowding around with the sign seemed either confused or amused, and one of them called him an anti-Semite. At least one of them seemed to be a reporter for somebody, or maybe a counter-protestor. So if this your "proof," my question is, you got anything else?

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I've already provided more substantial evidence to the effect of OWS being Anti-Semitic than anyone can pull together to the effect of the Tea Party being racist. The point is not that OWS is anti-semitic, it's just that if the Tea Party deserves a racist label the OWS deserves the anti-semitic label and it would be wrong for the left-wing media to not report on instances such as these and ones played today on conservative talk radio.


OWS is just another well-organized tool of the shadow hands to further divide the plebes, just like the post-Koch Tea Party.


I think it's disturbing how this angry mob of Occupy protestors are content to just be angry and argue for less individual responsibility, more government control of private enterprise, and more taxation.


Occupy is a serious threat to personal liberty, and that's my main problem with it.

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The financial crisis that unfolded in 2008 was the direct result of government interventions that forced banks to make loans they would not have made without that pressure.


Nah, it wasn't, and no matter how many times da partisan blogosphere repeats that deliberate misinformation campaign it still won't be true. There was no need for "government interventions" for banks to make those loans. Regular old unregulated capitalism did just fine. They were raking in money hand over fist, while passin' da risk off to others. Rakin' in money hand over fist is incentive enough.


Folks seem to have a canonical list of demands from da OWS group. Is that online somewhere?



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There is a new article on MSN.com "Who are the occupiers"..


Here is one:


Elad Ozeri, 31, from Jerusalem, Israel, came down to the protest with his 18-month old son, Ron. He moved to New York two months ago, where his wife is studying for her doctorate. It was his first day at the camp, and he said hell try to spend a week there. While he spoke with msnbc.com, Ron ate a bagel and toddled around his dad.


Why are you here?


We had a similar demonstration in Israel the whole summer. I think it was almost the same idea but maybe it was more political in Israel, I dont know. Its (the protest there) how to live, how to make a living, how to pay the rent and you know, I think the idea is to stop the robber barons. And I think its the same idea here: to have a decent life, a simple life.




Well I don't have two examples.. But I have one, that it might not be Anti-Semitic.. So did Isreal have a similar protest this summer?.. If so can you call a protest in Isreal anti-Semitic?.. Wouldn't they then be protesting against themselves???(This message has been edited by moosetracker)

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Here is a list of demands...




It is written by one individual and does not necessarily reflect the view of the whole group. It seems that individual is completely off his rocker.


As far as I can tell these people are protesting without anything specific to protest other than some general concept about corporate greed.


Not sure what to make of it so far.

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Couldn't get to the link, it said it couldn't be brought up. I tried the base page occupywallstreet.org, and couldn't get that either. Maybe the site is down. Anyway one list of demands from as you say someone "off his rocker" is worthless..


I would imagine the ideas of what they want are varied.. It is more an uprising of what they don't want anymore..


Me, I would think the protest would be better targeted in Washington, trying to throw the lobbiest out, and to take back democracy and our rights for our vote to count on issues.. Then the various ideas of what people want can be a varied as they are in the occupywallstreet protests, because what we want and get would again be in the peoples hands by a majority vote.

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