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Removal of Volunteer

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What is the procedure for removal of a volunteer? Does the CC or the COR have the power to remove someone from leadership? What if the CC and COR are the same person?


This hasn't happened yet, but I know it is being considered. We are a new troop that is imploding from within so please pray for us to get along and get with the program.

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The Chartering Organization Representative approves all volunteer leaders, so only the Chartering Organization Rep (COR) can "take away" a volunteers position. If its the Chartering Organization Rep thats the problem, then the Institutional Head of the Chartering Organization would have to act. If the Institutional Head is the COR and thats where the problem is, I think the unit is stuck...


At least thats how I understand it

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OGE is right. But while the COR or Institutional Head has the responsibility and authority to remove a unit leader, I would at least give a "heads up" to my District Executive or Scout Executive. If it hits the fan, you will want their support. Also, if the person has committed some offense for which his/her BSA membership should be revoked, only the Scout Executive can do that.

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No serious offense, the CC/COR has personal issues with a married couple who provide a lot of support. The district is aware. I was wondering if it was as easy as "see ya later" or if they had to go through some kind of procedure.



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Actually, I think the "see ya later" method although allowed is not the easy way. It leaves a lot of rumors and innuendo in its wake.


A better way (an easier way if you will) is for the COR to have a quiet face to face meeting and explain what the conflicting behaviour is, what the required behaviour is, and ask for cooperation from the individual or individuals to perpetuate change to resolve the problem. If the person or persons refuse to behave as requested then they have basically resigned. You save them alot of anxiety, and the scout unit a lot of discord.


Good Luck,

Bob White

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Genreally speaking, whoever approves the leader has the power/obligation to remove the leader. There isn't really a formal procedure, and it's never easy. I'm glad you pre-emptively took advice and let the district leadership know -- you don't want them to be blind-sided.


I don't know the details of your particular situation, so I'll do your District Key Three a favor and only answer your direct questions in a general way.


"What is the procedure for removal of a volunteer?"


If the volunteer is being removed from membership of the Boy Scouts of America (and that isn't what your situation sounds like,) there is a very clear procedure.


If the volunteer is being removed from a specific position of responsibility, there really isn't. It's a delicate situation that needs to be handled carefully. But it needs, also, to be handled. Period. It's best if done directly and positively. Try to find somewhere in Scouting where the person can be of better service. If it's purely a personality issue, perhaps they should move to another unit.


"What is the CC and COR are the same person?"


This happens quite often, although usually in newer units. That person, especially in a situation where he/she feels the need to remove a volunteer from a position, is best off if he/she involves the institutional head. If they're also the IH -- they'd better have a thick hide and lots of support from others in the unit.


Do continue to seek advice from your district leadership -- in part, that's what they're there for. I know Sdriddle realizes this, but I'll say it for the benefit of others . . . Don't expect the "council" to remove unit volunteers unless they also remove them from the Boy Scouts of America. Remember that the chartered organization approves the unit leadership, and the council signs on the line that reads "accepted."



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We had a case of a unit that just was unable to work with a leader.

No big offense, just a case of "No one wanted to work with this poor Lady"

The Chartered Rep. Had a word with me, painted a very bleak picture, and made it very clear that "She Had To Go."

The Lady, had a son in the Troop and one in the Pack, both of these Lads are hyperactive, with a whole host of problems.

I took it on myself to have a word with her (She likes me, and in the past was a walker at a couple of day camps, when I was the program director.)

I was kind,but did explain that things just weren't working in that unit with the leaders that were there, and her being there. I then directed her to another pack in the district. Her one son stayed in the Troop, but she took the other one along with her to her new Pack, where things seem to be going well.

We have I'm sad to say, in the past had to remove a volunteer, for matters of a serious nature, that is when we leave it to the Scout Exrcutive, and make sure that the Key 3 are aware of what is going down.

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I can almost guarantee that the IH doesn't want to get involved and will leave all decisions to the CC/COR. This is unfortunate. The CC/COR takes everything personally and thinks we are all out to get her. The worst thing I can think of that has happened is that when she doesn't followup and take care of Committee business, we step in and do it for her so the boys don't miss out on anything. Sometimes she gets offended if you call and remind her of something that needs to be dealt with and then accuse you later of trying to take over. It's a huge mess and I am working on it. Small town politics, long term dislikes and hurt feelings never help a unit to get going.



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It really is not the job of the committee chair to do all the work of the committee. The job is more to see that all functions are delegated to the other committee members, and to coordinate them to completion. Are the other committee members completing their jobs? Does the committee have a copy of the Troop Committee Guidebook, and have they read it? Anyone trained? If there are misunderstandings about who should do what, use the book as a guide to get everyone on the same page.

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We had this problem in the past & we told those who we didn't want that there services were no longer needed and told our COR what we were doing. They agreed but the adults in question resigned before we had to do anything formal through council.


Ed Mori


Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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Here is an example for you: CC/COR is responsible (volunteered) for letting brand new troop know about merit badge college. I call her the evening of the last day to sign up to see if everything was handled as I had not heard anything. She says she signed up her boys but did not have time to call everyone else (appox. 8 families). After several calls to district and other parents, we are allowed to turn in forms first thing the next morning which she graciously does since it is her resposibility. She always makes sure her boys are taken care of, and shows little concern for the others. Whenever we ask if the CO will let us have more space or even put in a refrigerator (we meet in a house), we are immediatly told no with no discussion with the IH.



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It would seem clear that someone is wearing too many hats. This happens a lot.(He says as he who wears more then one !!)

You need to in as nice a way as possible look for a new Committee Chair. Or try and enlist someone to help out as much as needed,

Is it the job of the Chairperson to make bookings and that sort of thing ? Could this be looked after by the Troop Activities Chair or the Secretary?

Sometimes when things are not going as they should, it does open the door to bring more people into the job of making things work better.

You may need to hold a meeting to help clear the air, as long as all this "Stuff" is out there, it will only fester and could in time bring the entire troop down.

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If I understand this correctly, your CC, who is also your COR, is trying to get a married couple who she dislikes to quit the Troop. This married couple is very active with the Troop and has done nothing wrong expect get on the wrong side of your CC/COR. Does that about sum it up?


How does the rest of the Troop Committee and Troop parents feel about the situation? From your posts it almost sounds like the problem is the CC/COR not the couple. Why exactly does she want them out?


These are some of the problems that happen when you have 1 person (especially if that person has some control issues) holding both the CC and the COR positions. I totally agree with Eamonn, you need to find a new CC. If the rest of the Troop is not behind the COR in her decision to oust these people, then they need to make a visit to the IH. Weather the IH likes it or not, they are ultimately responsible for the health & well being of the Troop.

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My Advice! Take the married couple and all of your supporters and walk! Form your own troop. Very easy to do. When we were rioted out of our old unit for being concerned about the new SM, we were asked to leave. No problemo! We went to the State offices and started a "S" type corporation, then went to our Council and chartered a new troop and venture crew. End of problems. The problems stayed with the old unit which has shrunk to almost non-existance.


Bit of advice though. Make sure you select a SM and CC who are not affiliated with the CO. Not manditory, but saves a lot of headaches down the road. Like the ones you seem to be suffering from.



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