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26 members of congress urge BSA to end their discriminatory policies


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Thanks, Merlyn.


Gay parents should absolutely be allowed to volunteer at least on Troop and Pack Committees. At the CS stage, I don't see where having a lesbian den leader would be a problem. It's not like DLs have time to make out in front of the boys.


However, don't forget that it is the local Charter Organization that signs off on Adult Volunteers. The Pack Leadership may have had no problem with Mom & Mom, but the IH might have.



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Ha ha ha ha! That's nothing! There should be a headline saying that 5 million scouts are urging congress to end their discrimanatory practices too:


Use the same tax tables, same retrirement, same insurance and same pay scale as the rest of us. Pay and recieve the same social security and medicare as we do.


Amd nost importantly, BSA should urge congress to adopt the 12 core values as their own too.


Then, after that, I suppose BSA could take advice from congres!

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Yes, the small liberal group of Congresscritters isn't likely to change many minds in BSA. And yes, it would be nice if Congress stopped their own favorable discrimination. But regardless, this is not great publicity for the BSA.


I see the military has started their evaluation of what it will take to end don't-ask-don't-tell. I feel fairly confident in guessing that they are going to decide they can end the policy and let gays serve openly.

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There's a mixed blessing in that when they are busy writing a nasty-gram to the Chief, being kind to beavers, and perhaps making WAKWIB a national holiday, they are distracted from doing real damage.:p


Perhaps they should be working on their resumes and job searching skills, because I have a feeling more than a few of the "lifers" in Congress will be looking for a second career.

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Whatever one thinks of Congress, what these members of Congress are saying is nothing different than what some members of this forum, including me, have been saying for years: The BSA should change the policy. I don't know anything about the two particular "moms" who prompted this letter, but if the CO wanted them to be leaders, considers them to be suitable for a leadership position, of good character, etc., I don't see how their pack is helped by national saying they can't be leaders.(This message has been edited by njcubscouter)

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