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Drug Crazed Rush Limbaugh Slams the Symbol of Medicine


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It is not new that speakers and Congressmen are 'shouted down'. It has been done since the sixties by the left. They are now seeing the same ill behavior since the right has read their playbook. I cannot remember a president asking Americans to turn each other in to the White House over their political views. These are scary times.

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"I cannot remember a president asking Americans to turn each other in to the White House over their political views. These are scary times. "


Just to inject a few facts, here is what the White House blog actually says about the flag@whitehouse.gov email address:


"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we cant keep track of all of them here at the White House, were asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov."


So, as you can see, they are not asking anyone to "snitch" people out. They are asking for misinformation to be sent, so that they know what areas are being misinterpreted (either deliberately or out of ignorance).


Now before anyone starts throwing around accusations, I think that whole thing has been a misstep by the White House, a bad idea. But the hysteria of certain figures in the media is certainly not helping the situation.


scoutldr, I am in the process of working my way through the document, it is certainly not easy reading for anyone who doesn't speak legalese. However, I do have to wonder what percentage of the protestors have actually read the entire document.


Personally, I already have questions that I would like to have a chance to ask at a "town meeting", but it seems my chances of being able to actually ask a question in such a setting is rapidly approach zero.

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I think that your response would less relaxed if President Bush had said:

"There is a lot of disinformation about the Iraq war out there. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we cant keep track of all of them here at the White House, were asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about the Iraq war that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov."


You and the media would, correctly along with myself, gone ballistic. Asking people to send their recounts of casual conversations, emails, et cetera is the same things that Stalin and others have done. What will be done with the emails? Will the people originating the offending opinions be effected? Will their names be kept? Remember, political speech is the most important speech to be protected for good reasons. This will have a chilling effect on free speech. This is wrong!!!!


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Good discussion.


I view both political parties as a bunch of opportunists. In my research I'm on the Doctors side. The AMA has some excellent, clinical information about the various proposals and amendments to HR 3200.


Go to the AMA site to get information about who is proposing what. http://www.ama-assn.org/


BTW...BOTH sides want a change to the health care industry. Its clearly evident from the proposals many Republicans have given.


Status quo is unacceptable.

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Dan Kroh,


That's the assertion I was referring to. She's clearly connecting the demonstrators with Nazis or skinheads. They aren't. Of course, there are some wingnuts out there, but I think the majority of demonstrators are far from "astroturf."

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Where are the demands from the left to repeal the Patriotic Act? The left and the media were consistently attacking President Bush over the Patriotic Act. Obama promised to repeal the act but has done nothing to do so. He has been busy but such I hated act by the left (and by many of us on the right as well) should take little political effort. Yet, Obama is insisting on a socialist health care plan being passed even if the senate has to resort to the so-called 'nuclear option'.Does the democrat party like the information gathering now that they totally control the government?

Obama and the DNC received significant financial support from the SEIU (~$61 million). The SEIU is attending democrat town hall meetings in T-shirts and physically excluding people with opposing views. Does it not bother others that a private organization is excluding citizens at open meetings with their duly elected representatives? The left for years has sent bus loads of protesters to disrupt meetings and charged police brutality if order was restored. I have seen many Youtube videos and the people attending the meetings are not physically disruptive and are not preventing the democrat representatives from speaking. They do want to be heard and they are angry that democrats are not listening to their constituents. After listening to numerous news reports, I have not heard that any of the excluded citizens were not constituents. No one has asked if the thugs pushing them out were constituents.

The White House is requesting that we 'snitch' on other Americans and send the emails to the them. What will be done with the information? We all know that some will merely forward the emails to the White House. The White House will then be able to compile a list of dissenters (I am only saying that it can be done - they have not said what will be done with names, et cetera). If you are not frightened by what is happening it is because you trust Obama. I do not trust him or have I ever trusted any president to that extent. This president is adding to the gradual lose of rights. Even if he is trustworthy, which I do not believe to be true, the next may not be. I have experienced the 50's, the tumult of the 60's, et cetera. I have never known some many people who are actually frightened of their government. There were concerned about Clinton's stance on gun control but no run on the gun stores. I truly hope that fears are miss placed but the attack on the political process by the left continues and continues to try to silence the voice of any opposition.

Christians are a particular target for the left and Christians are being demonized. I am seriously considering no longer posting to this site or others not because of not wishing to defend my views but due to fear of reprisals.

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"You and the media would, correctly along with myself, gone ballistic. Asking people to send their recounts of casual conversations, emails, et cetera is the same things that Stalin and others have done. What will be done with the emails? Will the people originating the offending opinions be effected? Will their names be kept? Remember, political speech is the most important speech to be protected for good reasons. This will have a chilling effect on free speech. This is wrong!!!!"


vol-scouter, thanks, but I was busy enough being horrified over the Patriot Act and Gitmo. I didn't see the blog asking anyone to send in names. Btw, you don't think the DHS has a "snitch" email? I saw a blog asking for misinformation (i.e. "I read that HR 3200 would provide manditory insurance from green skinned aliens from Andromeda, is that true?"), not dissent. Perhaps I am just not as naturally paranoid as some. However, I do remember saying I thought it was a bad idea.


And I guess we have forgotten that during the previous administration, dissenters and protestors were quarantined away from Presidential eyes, and arrested if they dared leave the "free-speech zones"? Where was the outrage over that? However, I've never been a big fan of excusing bad behavior because someone else did it first. My son gave up that tactic in preschool, when he was 4 years old.


BTW, again, perhaps you don't read the same sources as I do, but I have seen plenty of criticism for Obama over not having repealed the Patriot Act yet, but I believe most people are for the moment appeased by the idea that he will simply let it expire at the end of this year (at least, that was the last I heard of it, does anyone have more recent info on the renewal?).


Sorry, but I don't drink the Kool Aid, no matter which party is handing it out.

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"She's clearly connecting the demonstrators with Nazis or skinheads."


Sorry, Kahuna, but that wasn't my interpretation at all. To me, she was clearly unhappy with the demonstrators trying to connect health care reform to fascism/nazism, and Obama to Hitler.


You say tomayto, I say tomahto.

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