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Gotta love him!


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Twilight Zone time, folks. Gotta love him!


The administration seeks to prohibit prisoners in the 'secret' CIA prisons from talking about their interrogations because it would compromise national security.

Anyone wondering if they read this correctly?


"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000


"You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." --George W. Bush, interview with CBS News' Katie Couric, Sept. 6, 2006

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Benjamin Franklin's quote keeps running in my mind. I consider myself conservative Republican, and this makes me heartsick.


America is supposed to be about doing the RIGHT thing, not the easy or convenient thing. This to me is Orwellian.


I may yet change my mind about my votes come Tuesday.

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In the interest of full disclosure, from the Couric interview:


President Bush also insisted that the war in Iraq is a key part of the war on terror, and that it must be won. Couric asked the President what exactly he means when he says that the country can't cut and run, that the United States must stay to win otherwise, we'll be fighting the terrorists here at home on our own streets.


"I mean that a defeat in Iraq will embolden the enemy, and will provide the enemy more opportunity, to train, plan to attack us, that's what I mean. One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror," Mr. Bush said. "I believe it, but the American people have got to understand that a defeat in Iraq, in other words if this government there fails, the terrorists will be emboldened, the radicals will topple moderate governments. I truly believe that this is the ideological struggle of the 21st century. And the consequences for not achieving success are dire."


And from CNN:

CHRIS BLACK, CNN CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Frank, President- elect George W. Bush came to Capitol Hill today for the first time since the election intending to listen to congressional leaders, the bipartisan congressional leadership. But he also made it clear to them, in more than two and a half hours of meetings, that he intends to stand by his tax cut proposal and other planks in his campaign agenda.




GOV. GEORGE W. BUSH (R-TX), PRESIDENT-ELECT: I told all four that there were going to be some times where we don't agree with each other. But that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.


From packsaddle: "The administration seeks to prohibit prisoners in the 'secret' CIA prisons from talking about their interrogations because it would compromise national security.

Anyone wondering if they read this correctly?"


So, you have no problem with letting the terrorists find out exactly how we are interrogating them? So they can prepare for resisting our techniques? Maybe the CIA should just post all their techniques and methods on a web page, along with a packing list, so the terrorists, once captured, can arrive fully prepared to resist giving up any information which might help us defeat them. Would that make you feel better?

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It is absolutey astounding to me that in the space of six short years, torture has come to be an acceptable practice by the USA.


While telling ourselves that 'the ends justifies the means', we have become what we have always fought against; we have become the barbarians.


Under Bush, America has truly lost the high road.

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Let me see if I fully understand this...


1) If I think that Tommy has some information that I need, I can grab him and take him to a secret location and whip him or sort of drown him or put electrodes on his earlobes and zap him a little until he tells me what I think he knows that I didn't.

2)And I probably don't want Tommy's friends to know the techniques that I used, so I might want to keep these things secret...

3) When Tommy has 'lost his usefulness' (told me all I think he knows that I didn't), I have the following choices of actions:

a)kill him b)let him die accidentally (so sorry) c) release him to another country and let them 'extract' information they need (see above methodology) d) release him and make it illegal for him to tell anyone what happened to him while in captivity. If he does, We can (legally!!) arrest him and imprison him again? Have I got that right?


And our Congress is OK with that?


And the Consttution is OK with that?


And this is the America of the High Moral Ground that pursued the Nurremburg trials because the Nazis did what??


And I am a Scout leader because...

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The interesting thing about torture is that at some point it can no longer be resisted....even if you know what is coming. You just want it to stop and will say anything to make that happen. That is why torture is a highly ineffective way to obtain useful information. So knowing the methods used is kind of a moot point. Trust me, the bad guys already know what we do as they practice the same techniques. What the administration really wants is for the American people not to find out what they do in our name.....and to not be tried for war crimes. Just think sausage.

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Yes, torture is such a bad thing. Let's just cut their heads off with a dull knife and be done with it! Maybe take a few pictures while we are at it. And just to make a stronger statement, let's string the bodies up on a bridge, throw gas on them and set them on fire! Yeah, that's the ticket!


How come I never hear any of you complaining about that??


Or, we could imprison them and give them such good treatment that they are putting on weight.


This enemy does not follow the rules of the Geneva Convention, but they sure want the protections offered POWs under it. Sorry, it doesn't work that way for me.


Since when are foreign terrorists granted the rights of citizens guaranteed under our Constitution?


Did some of you even read the story linked? Doesn't sound like it, based on comments posted here.


Bush says we don't torture. We don't. End of story. Find something else to hate him about; if you are having trouble, just turn to the NY Times or Washington Post. I'm sure they will help you out.

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When I saw the story about this, I had to read it a couple of times before I could believe it was true. I showed it to my wife and said THIS is why people should be voting the Republicans out of office; not all this tangential stuff.


"Bush says we don't torture. We don't. End of story."



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When I saw the story about this, I had to read it a couple of times before I could believe it was true. I showed it to my wife and said THIS is why people should be voting the Republicans out of office; not all this tangential stuff.


"Bush says we don't torture. We don't. End of story."



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