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Should the BSA promote creationism?


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'dillos and possums are even-neither one seems to able to make it across the road. (religion)Is it a matter of the quick and the dead?


By the way I've had a large rock in my side yard for many years and this past winter it cracked in half-does that mean it is starting to evolve? I always thought things devolved into a simplier state and not to a mmore complex one. Am I misinformed?

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The 'quick and the dead'? I have a suspicion that is an old one but I've never heard of it before, good one too.

Around here we feed nutria to the alligators...nice crunching sounds. And speaking of rocks, maybe paleontology AND archeology can be merged with Geology MB? ;)

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quick as in quickening (bibical)-a first stirring in mothers womb-archaic as in the Apostle's Creed ..to judge the quick and the dead (living)


Does that mean that the oxygen, hydrogen, silica, iron, nitrogen et al in the rock are somehow diffrent than the oxygen, hydrogen, silica, iron, nitrogen et al in the human body? Do dead bodies erode? My old live body doesn't do what it once did is it evolving or eroding? :)

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so there's a design difference between the stuff my body is made of and the stuff he rock is made of? How do they know which one they are? By random occurance or by some other process?


It is possible to work the scientific method to explain the process of rock eroding into sand or as evidence that "someone" wanted a beach for an ocean.

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"My old live body doesn't do what it once did is it evolving or eroding?"


Neither. Evolution occurs at the level of populations and natural selection acts upon the differences in the population.


"so there's a design difference between the stuff my body is made of and the stuff he rock is made of? How do they know which one they are? By random occurance or by some other process?"


Same stuff, just organized differently.


"It is possible to work the scientific method to explain the process of rock eroding into sand or as evidence that "someone" wanted a beach for an ocean."


If you buy that, I am sure that we can find some sharpy willing to sell you "beach front" property,

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"so then evolution theory is so small in scope that there is no room for a larger context?"


Evolution is the theory which explains the development and diversity of life on earth. One can not use evolution to explain erosion or beach formation. One can not say that an individual in a population evolves. However, our understanding that the earth is ancient and evidence that life has been around for most of that period allows for a context large enough.


Geological methods are critical to informing evolutionary theory. The obvious great age of the earth was one of the critical problems that creationists like Lyell and the young Darwin faced. Uniformitarianism in geology and evolution in biology made sense of that extremely old earth. The understanding of both men helped science to move beyond Biblical explanations.

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trevorum-firstpusk- glad you're having LOL but, while you're laughing, put the small concept of evolution, add string theory, why time goes in one direction only, wave/particle properties of light, gravity, Laws of thermodynamics, how can there be as many as 9 different dimensions, sigularities(black holes) and put them into one sigular convient package-Call it the Theory of Everything-an advancement on the unified theory-Mr. Hawkings and I can hardly wait.

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Not the theory...but chaos is certainly happening in this thread, at least certain parts of it. While firstpusk and trevorum have offered some correct and reasonable messages, they seem not to have been understood. While I think it is admirable that some of us desire to provide some basic science education, I sense resistance by stlscouter. Back to the subject perhaps?

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