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Should the BSA promote creationism?


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You know, I visited that exhibit at the Jamboree and, with due respect to the individuals involved, I just didn't get it. It seemed like a pretty narrow and estoteric field of interest to warrant an entire merit badge. But, that's just me. I suppose an aerospace engineer wouldn't see the point in a paleontology meit badge!

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Delighted to assist with this demonstration of 'thread evolution', I think a paleontology MB could be lumped in with the existing Archeology MB. Pretty much the same thing...only on a different time scale. And continuing on the digression, speaking of narrow and esoteric ;) consider that there is Collecting, and then there are also Coin Collecting AND Stamp Collecting. I have been collecting samples of brain tissue - think that would qualify? My daughter collects skulls. Anyone want to contribute? :)

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Always thought Dog Care and Pet Care were pretty close,


Packsaddle, I collect brains as well, my assistant came back with my latest addition, its from Abby Normal, I'd send you a slice, but I have plans for it.


Now, I could send you some tissue from a bottle labeled A. Uumellmahaye I found


(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)

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Does your daughter trade? I have an extra armadillo and I'm looking for a 3-toed sloth


But I take great issue with your comment about paleontology and archeology being the same thing. I already have enough people asking me if I dig up dinosaurs. It's true that the time scale is vastly different (cartoon cavemen notwithstanding) but so is the subject. In fact, just about the only thing that is similar is the fact that we labor in the hot sun and dig up old stuff (that and the fact that we're all ruggedly handsome and wear dashing clothing) ...

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wasn't there a banned skit about $15,000 for a pound of SM brains(you may substitute Christian, Gay, Lawyer, Accordioan Player, Tuba Player, Bagpipe Player, atheist etc)because it took so many SM's (ETC) to make a pound?


Indiana Jones was a palentoligist etc and was a Boy Scout....

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Just pulling your chain, Trevorum, sorry. You also left out the part where they both have beautiful women chasing them. Arr, Arr, Arr! ;)

But do you really think a 'dillo is an even trade for a sloth? It'd be more like a 'dillo for a fox or maybe an opossum, I would think.

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