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Obviously she's working for a "D". Not only because she's a genuine, committed college student (they're always "D"s until the realize the realities of the world!), but it's Iowa. No need for an "R" to be there.


Now if on of the "D"s is more appealing to someone in OTs class than another, I can't discern it.


I have noticed you've been a little quietter on the board than in the past. I've actually attributted it to one of your star protegeges being away.



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Okay, okay, another spare minute, not expecting anymore, though. We're counting down to the Iowa caucus and well, we're stepping it up a level.


First, havent you been told that it's not nice to talk about someone behind their backs? Just kidding guys, well, I am entertained that the forum has been quieter without me.


I wouldnt know if OGE is quieter these days on the forum, but OGE, I miss you tons and cant wait to get back to some conversation on the forum. You really think it's quiet at home? I am really sad that I missed the last VEB and will miss the next couple of meetings :-(


Ah, who is my employer, seems to be the big question on all of your minds.


Well, first to answer MK's question about have I been learning much? VOLUMES and VOLUMES and VOLUMES!!


You all were right about the cold and the snow. The other Iowans can vouch for me.


Ah, right, I am stalling, you know, this thread has been really great without getting arguementive and I wouldnt want to end it. No one is bashing anyone else. A+ for that. OGE, not included, who do you think I am working for?

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Your presence has been missed.


I don't particularly care who you're working for (I do have to admit, he said with his gaze averted, that I am a Republican and I don't think you're working for that party) mostly because I'm just glad that you care enough at your age to participate in the political process of the United States of America.


We may disagree on politics -- I don't know and it really doesn't matter -- but I'm glad you have the passion and devotion and dedication to travel from your home to another place to participate in whatever way you are in the process.


What you are doing is idealism at its finest. Keep it up. We're not talking about you behind your back. What we say will be here when you get back. A simple search on your own username will bring up all about you that has transpired. Take heart in the fact that you are missed and that we seem to be universally proud of you.


In the interim, I'm going to bed. Staff meeting tomorrow.



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Dave expressed a sentiment much better than I did. I am pleased and proud that you have mobilized your passion for the process. I'm pretty certain you're working from the other side of the aisle than would I, but your doing something. To use a phrase I have come to hate, "you go, girl!"


As to whom I think has employed you, I'm guessing Kerry. Any of them but Sharpton and Kucininch would be fine with me, though (as if my approval should matter to you). Sharpton has shown himself to be a bigger racist than any white person I have ever encountered without a hood. And I know Kucinich personally. He's a perfect politician. Somehow, no matter what crusade he takes up, he comes up smelling like a rose. He almost always fights for the underdog. Nothing wrong in that, except it has always appeared to me like he picks his fights with an eye toward winning if he can, which he rarely does, or making sure he can claim the big opressive (fill in the blank - utility company, bank, hospital, railroad...) can just have its way with his poor little folk. He's often on the right side of the issues, but I just get this feeling it's never for the right reason.


Look forward to hearing more from you!



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Although I suspect that not very many of the regular posters here had Congressman Gephardt on their short list of presidential candidates to vote for this year, I'd like to express my regrets (condolences did not seem like the right word) to Outdoor Thinker for the withdrawal of her chosen candidate (and employer.) I think we have a pretty nutty nominating system where someone's candidacy rises or falls on what a few thousand people in a relatively small state decide to do. I have always thought that people who live in states that actually have people in them should ignore what Iowa and New Hampshire do. (To anyone who does live in one of those states, I didn't mean it.)

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I'll admit I was suprised at the Iowa results. A month ago I would have guessed Kerry was essentially out of it. I don't agree with much of Gephardt's politics but consider him one of the gentlemen of the Democratic Party. I'm suprised he didn't do better in Iowa.


It must be hard for the Republicans to restrain themselves over the results. This puts the Democratic nomination up for grabs, it will take time and still may get nasty. One thing they won't be able to count on though is taking pot shots at Dean. Bush may end up having to run against combat veteran like Kerry or the General. The past couple of elections Republicans have overwhelming taken the veteran vote but that could change. Ironically my father, a WWII vet, Bronze Star winner and three time voter for Richard Nixon is in the anybody but Bush camp, as are many of his veteran contemporaries. This could be interesting.


You have, my sympathies as well OT. Don't be too disheartened. You have my respect for making the effort and commitment you did.



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JFK initials and Heinz money ta boot! May be a hard combo to beat.


If the economy continually produces less than 150,000 jobs per month (the needed amount to tread water and employ the entering of age work force) Bush will be voted out of office. If the economy picks up, specifically jobs, Bush will be re-elected. I find it humorous with all of this wailing about a "liberal" Dean and "conservative" Bush that Dean's fiscal policy is much more conservative than Bush's. Other issues, much different. I think the issues surrounding Iraq will take a distant backseat to the economic ones. Hopefully, the hot button issues of gay-marriage, abortion, etc. won't be drug out by any of the candidates.


For either party, the party that puts up the most centrist individual will capture the 20% of the electorate that is up for grabs.

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