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Troop Election Crisis


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An ASPL is supposed to take on the role of SPL in the SPL's absence, so, its reasonable to expect the ASPL to do the job until a new SPL can be chosen. He will need to decide if he wants to be SPL or not, if he does not then I suggest to him that he needs to work with the PLC to correct the problem. Boy led isn't easy and it often isn't pretty, but it is the point of the whole thing now isn't it. So, I wouldn't go as far as Mike or K9 suggests, that is, I wouldn't elevate the ASPL, I'd just remind him what his role is in the absence of the SPL. He may decide that if he has to do the work, he migth as well have the title, or, he could jump ship too.

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The SPL isn't absent. Therefore the ASPL doesn't fill in for him. The SPL ran for the position and was elected by his peers. If he is allowed to back down, what kind of responsibility are we teaching him and the other scouts. Let him try it for three months and if need be, have another election. With all that he will learn, those three months will fly by and who knows, he may be a better scout for the effort.


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In the real world people quit jobs they don't want and no-one can force them to stay. Same thing here, you can't force the boy to be SPL. However, I would give him a very frank assessment of his immaturity and poor judgement and its affect on the troop.


Elevating the ASPL simply follows the model of continuity of leadership that has been successfully in use in centuries in government, business and the military. Not only that, you cripple a ASPL by asking him to become the de facto SPL without the benefit of an assistant.


They voted, he quit, the assistant assumes the reponsabilities (with his own assistant) until the next election. I fail to see how it goes against the patrol method.

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