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I need ideas

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The basic idea is that you are modeling a Troop activity. However, you're dealing with a time schedule that is tight and doesn't leave room to regroup if you get behind. If there is time for a weather rock, go ahead. If not, leave it out. It is possible that you don't have to do a weather rock "report" everyday. I'm an NHL fan, so when I was SPL I would announce the score for the local team if there was a game the night before. I have noticed that the staff tends to make the morning Gilwell assemblies longer than necessary.

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FILLER FILLER Don't waste my time with filler. I would rather have 5 minutes with my patrol trying to figure out our skit or planning.



Start with out the stragglers.....Next time they will be on time......



Don't make the Troop wait while once patrol who can't plan ahead stops for potty breaks...........


You want a motivational tool......Have the entire Troop sing Here we sit like birds at the top of their lungs while the Last patrol enters the field.


Bet it won't happen again


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moose you have been in how long and never heard the announcement song???


this isn't the version that we sing locally.....But what happens is the second anyone says announcements the song starts....... The CD and SM and then the TG's took great joy in saying announcements every chance they got.....



the second chorus for us is


have you ever heard a windbag, a windbag a windbag

have you ever heard a windbag, a windbag a windbag

Go this way and that

this way and that way

this way and that

Go this way and that

this way and that way

this way and that

have you ever heard a windbag, a windbag a windbag

have you ever heard a windbag, a windbag a windbag




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Wow watching the video it seems like a jumble of different songs and tunes and they do not all fit together (could also be that those singers were not the best). I have heard the tune for the stretch of "Have you ever seen..." Some popular childrens song.. I think dealing with band instruments if my memories serves me right.. The rest of those tunes never even heard with there real versions.


NO no one in our council has EVER.. Ever.. used it.. (Thankfully, because I think our singing is no better then the people on the video). At least not with anything that I have ever attended.

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As ASPL, you are essentially the patrol leader of the Leadership Corps, correct? Thats the TGs and other staff positions. Instead of YOU spending a great deal of time coming up with stuff, spend more time working with your "patrol" to develop what you want to do. That's where your ideas will be.


I haven't staffed WB (yet), but long ago I was a regular staff member for our council's Troop Leadership Development course (later TLT, then Brownsea II, then TLTC), and served as ASPL, and a couple years as SPL. What I always wanted from the Leadership Corps was that they were to be the ultimate perfection in what is a Scout patrol, and that in itself was often the comedy of it. Perfect uniforms in every way, absolutely identical. When travelling together as a "patrol," we'd march in line, in step, singing outrageously loudly. Ideal Scout Spirit. Something to try, if your opening ceremony is precisely at 7AM, for example, practice timing to work out coming from completely across the parade grounds or from a distance, in formation, singing rediculously loudly, getting completely in correct position (and quiet), just seconds before 7AM. Throws everyone off!!


Also, there are countless run-ons that can be used that are fun, interesting, do a good job of getting the SPL flustered, and take only seconds. Find them online.

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I can still remember the SPL on my Course stating that the Announcement song was NOT Allowed!


He would ask for presentations, or (a word he replaced for announcement??)


I think that you can do what ever you want. Don't worry too much about how long you do things. Because you are limited in time anyway. I think Gilwell is about 30ms.



New Patrol Leaders

Service patrol

Kudu Horn (We were not allowed to ever blow the Kudu Horn. Only the ASM-P was allowed.

Thought of the day


To hear some of the commits about how long this time was taking and being a waste of time.. i wonder what kind of CD/SM where out there not following the course schedule. I always enjoyed Gilwell, never had a problem, in the course or on Staff.



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jacobs writes:


"maybe ideas for different Thoughts of the day"


How about Green Bar Bill and Baden-Powell Thoughts of the Day, to encourage participants to take the "Real" Patrol Method home to their Boy Scout Troops?


Baden-Powell's minimum standard for the Patrol System (still used in some Wood Badge courses):


"In Scout camps the tents are not pitched in lines and streets as in military camps, but are dotted about in Patrol units, fifty or a hundred yards apart or more, in a big circle round the Scoutmaster's tent, which, with the flag and camp fire, is generally in the centre," Baden-Powell ( http://inquiry.net/patrol/index.htm ).


"Each Patrol should have its own separate tent at some distance (at least 100 yards) from the others. This latter is with a view to developing the responsibility of the Patrol Leader for his distinct unit," Baden-Powell (ibid).


The adult-free Patrol Hike as practiced at Wood Badge:


"Boys, and especially Scouts, want to go hiking. The out-of-doors fascinates them. The woods, the rivers, the "wide open spaces" call them. And they obey. As soon as you are able you will want to take your boys on Patrol Hikes. You want your Patrol to be a real one, and only a hiking Patrol is a Real Patrol" William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt ( http://www.inquiry.net/patrol/real.htm ).


Yours at 300 feet,





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ScoutBox wrote: I can still remember the SPL on my Course stating that the Announcement song was NOT Allowed!


When I was SPL for a course, I had to put an end to the Wood Badge song. Seems the Beaver patrol thought that they would continuously repeat the song during the opening luncheon. They didn't stop when asked nicely in private, so I put up my Scout sign and told them it would stop. People couldn't eat and it was interfering with the program for the lunch. Some criticized me, butmost realized that is exactly what an SPL would do: control his Troop.



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