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POW WOW and University of Scouting

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This might come off as a dumb question, but you all know by now that I'll ask anyways! :)


What is the difference bwteeen University of Scouting and a POW WOW?


Is there even a difference?


I'm thinking that POW WOW is Cub Scout related and UOS is Boy Scout related. Is that close?




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Up here, the UoS includes a Cub College, a Boy Scout College, and Adventure Scouting College (High adventure, Venturing, etc.)and a bunch of undiffentiated "electives".


The Pow Wow is only Cub Scout related. I was told the Pow Wow was going to be more "how to" and the UoS Cub College was to be more "why is it" and philosophy of Scuting stuff. Mechanics versus intellect, I guess. That's how it was explained to me.


Utilizing the wonders of the internet, one can Google "University of Scouting" and get a whole bunch of Councils and compare them for content, purpose, cost, all kinds of stuff.

Then go wash your dishes and get back to living...

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