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Southern Region Wood Badge numbering is changing

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Sure would have made it easier on me. every year for the annual woodbadge dinner, you sign up & they ask what course you took. I sign my husband & I up, and put down his course number as he plastered in on some "feed the bears" sign they made to put on their table. but I skip putting mine down, as I just can't remember what it was.(I may find out, then the next year forget it again). If mine was similar to his but just had a different year, I would be golden.

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The National Standard for numbering tell which region, what area in that region, which council, what year and which course that council ran in that year since some councils run more than one course each year. Example: Region: S or NE or C or W, Area: 1 or 2 etc, Council number, course year (2011) and course number for that year. You can figure out the course number for your council in 2013 today if you want. Makes things consistent and you know where and when someone took the course. Don't know if or where an indicator goes for a long course. Would not be surprised if a similar numbering system will be used for NYLT courses in the future i.e S6-XXX-11NYLT-1 etc.

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