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YPT certificate

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So how many times am I going to be required to resubmit my YPT certificate. Well, I recently became a den leader in a second pack needed to submit it as I got a letter from council. Cub master position had to submited it, Committee member of a new crew had to submit it, ASM with the troop had to submit it.


This a huge waste of paper and time. So is council or national ever going to get their stuff together. Come on BSA get your information act together, Fire the stodgy worthless old programmers you currently employ and hire some new young guns. THE STATUS QUO MUST GO


Just getting tired of resubmitting the same old stuff.

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If the Scouters taking YPT online do not enter their BSA ID into their online profile, Council has no clue that that particular Scouter has taken YPT unless you hand them a printed YPT certificate. As Pack Trainer, I always get the BSA IDs from the Council registrar to give to all my leaders (they are on recharter reports as well). Once the Scouters update their profile with their BSA ID, all is well (as far as training taken online goes).


That being said, however, could it be the case that the folks at Council processing the paperwork always ask for proof of YPT whenever they receive a new app (even if the person assures them they are already YPT trained)?


If you've personally given your YPT cert to Council, however, they shouldn't ask for it again (unless they insist on YPT for each new app presented, of course).


Finally, if you log into your MyScouting account online, you can check Council's (or close to Council's) records for ANY scouter if you have thier BSA ID or if they have a semi-unique name. Click on "Training Validation" on the left and enter the BSA ID, or click advanced search for a bigger search. If Council's asking you for YPT for someone who shows up via this search as having completed YPT, then it's time to complain loudly to Council.






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Yes I took YPT on myscouting


YEs my bsa ID is in the myscouting.


Yes I am tired of being asked for it


I volunteered at an eager beaver camp work day. I didn't have my YPT card with me so guess what.........I was forced to take it again. Guess what it was a hand written card and will not be valid according to our District Exec.


What a cluster




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Your council may be like ours, for some reason you have to submit it with a registration regardless of how many times you have submited it before.. Why are you only complaining about that and not the resubmission of your adult registration application, that you have to redo for all the new positions you take on. That takes more time to fill out, and uses more paper..


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Eagle92 is correct. As well as the fact that the person inputting the information in the computer for the new position/duel position should not have to take the time to look up in another data base to see if you took your training. Just give it to them and stop winning, makes it easier for everyone involved. Especially the council registrar.

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skeptic,"For me, the real issue is the "extra" application. It "should be" an easy task to simply "add" an additional title or job to the "established" file. Then, the training verification would immediately be attached. JMHO"


And just how do you think council gets the information as well as the signatures from the CO stating that a person belongs in that position.


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The individual is updated on Scoutnet by the troop or COR rep in some manner. I am already listed as a SM; why should I have to fill out another app if I am also registered as a commissioner, or something else. They already have the info on me; all they should need is the D to verify.


Again, we tend to make it more difficult than it needs to be. If they "must" have another app, then make it one that is simply an "add position" type, so they can effectively approve it, but not do the in depth for the initial one. Again; it would need to pick up on the ID number as part of it.

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I am not winning, I am whining and complaining.


I understand the application for another Job and giving them the right to check my back ground


My beef is having to carry around my YP card and having to submit it for everything I do.


I does not make it easier for everyone especially me. Oh and they will not accept it electronically either.


For your information Gary The Council Registrar is a paid position BY ME and should make my life easier instead of being LAZY. Back to my original post........


All of the BSA databases should be connected, when she puts in my information, bingo. This is a very simple procedure, sure it will require some planning and some money. So when Mary Jane registrar puts my name in the BSA database in a new position the fields should automatically populate with my address and Training info and anything else that is important.


Relational databases aren't that big a deal people. National needs to at least move the database into the 2000's yes I said 2000 not the 21st century.


This eighties style database is ridiculous.

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What should be done - for transfers or additional positions - is a half or 1/3rd size form. This would be the "Transfer/ Multi-Roll Form".


It would be only available to those who are already in the system.


Your name, current BSA ID number and primary or home position.


Maybe your main position in BSA ...for example..if you are a SM who decides to help a pack out by being s DL or a committee member, your home position would be SM @ Troop # XXXX


So you have: Your name, BSA ID number and home position/rank, and what you are going to apply for.

Fill it out,sign it, turn it in and the Council Registrar or "Scout oOffice Person In Charge Of Doing This Stuff" :) simply goes into your file and can add the info while simultaneously verifying that your YPT is current and valid.


This would save the applicant time, save the council a BUNCH of paper and take only 1 additional minute for the registrar who is going to be putting this into the system anyways. Maybe a minute and a half tops!


(This message has been edited by scoutfish)

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There are several reasons for doign it this way, even if you are already in the system. First is to make sure that the IH or COR has indeed approved you for the position. trust me I have met IHs and CORswho had no clue who was in the unit, as well as an COR who didn't realize that yes he could remove folks and yes he sat on the district and council committees.


Second, and to me most importantly, it prevents membership fraud. I saw apps with someone's name, id number, and 'MULTIPLE" written on it, and the unit didn't exist. Heck somehow my wife was listed as a MC for a pack that I neither one of us knew about! So by having signatures, it prevents fraud.(This message has been edited by Eagle92)

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Still, an easy fix: Just add those 3 boxes:


1)COR signature

2)CC ( or designee) signature

3)SE ( or designee) signature


I mean, it shouyldn't be like doing to DMV to do BSA a favor of letting them know you are taking on an extra voluntary position.


You are helping BSA out by doing this.


Just a shorter, simpler form that has the important basic info: Name, scout ID number and that somebody from the CO approves you holding that position.


When I went from ADL to Cub Master, I filled out a second adult application( which was really no big deal at all)print out my training related to the position and YPT , and had to chase down the COR and CC on different days at different times, then drive 35 miles to the scout office. I handed it to our "person who really knows what going on" :)

and watched her click the mouse on her computer 3 times and type a few letters.


She loooked at meand said: "Congratulations, you are now CubMaster for pack 235!"


No verification, no SE signature, didn't even look at my YPT and other training that was paper clipped to the back.


NOIw, I'm cool with that. Just the fact that I made the effort probably showed her that what I had was corect and true.


But at the same time, I wasted 4 pages of an adult aplication and wrote down a bunch of stuff that had no relavance to me becoming CM.(This message has been edited by scoutfish)

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