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Returning of Program Beads

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We had the same thing when I went to WB in Central Florida. On staff, there was an ASM of Program and one for Facilities (I might be making that one up, but it was something like that). The ASM of Program had a set of GIANT WB beads, each bead being about 15"x6" on thick rope, and the ASM of Facilites had a bucket and plunger.


Everyday a new patrol was assigned "program" and "facilities", so during that day each one would be responsible for leading the groups in song or insuring the dining hall or bathrooms were clean.


Every morning at Gilwell Field, the PL of the patrol would "deliver" the various "accoutrements" to the ASM, and while they were in that Patrols possession, they would decorate them with their totem and other items that would represent their patrol.


Then the ASM would call up the next PL and they would be handed off the item.


I just happend to be the PL when our patrol (Antelopes) became the "Program" patrol. I remember the "delivery" of the GIANT beads involved ASM swinging them around.


At the end, the beads and bucket/plunger were gifts to the ASMs.

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We have a huge set of Beads for the Program patrol and the Quartermasters Shovel for the Service Patrol. Everyone so far has given back the Shovel in a very unique way..but no one has given back the beads in a unique and funny way yet. Considering the ASM of Program is also a FOX we feel like he expects something big out of us!

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Not a WB critter, but am a BA22 one (Cocky Curlew) and staffed JLT in the day.


One idea I liked was the program patrol made a cage and placed the program totem (which was the ASM's WB totem)inside the cage and buried it in Brownsea Field. They then did a big deal of unburying it and presetning it back to him for the next patrol. I know the diggin is not very LNT, but maybe lashing a cage together with the WB critter inside, and wrap the beads around it like it was a present may be an idea.

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At our WB course, we were strongly encouraged to decorate the Program and Service Patrol totems in a non-permanent manner such that the totems themselves were always returned pristine. The decorations were added by each patrol daily, and apparently are not removed until the start of the next WB course.


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nolesrule our course is the same way...in fact if you return them with nothing added they call you out as happened to one of our patrols. You can't decorate the beads in any permanent way but you are to add your own flair to them.

WE know what we are adding we just want a funny and unique way to return them to him once our day as program patrol is over!

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You could lash together a sedan chair sort of contraption with the object on the Chair, sitting on velour or some such material and with a small box containing a few doves which would be released after delivery of the beads. Of course, if this is to be done indoors, you can drop the birds


If anyone in your patrol plays a muscial instrument, they could play a march of some kind. Even better would be a sound system that could play the theme to 2001 A Space Oydessy(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)

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If you really want to get a response, try this;


Make a new set of beads the same size.

Drop them in your campfire until they are crispy.

Make up a great story, take them to assembly and sheepishly present them.


I'm sure that you'll get a reaction from the staff and the other patrols will remember you!


Then you can present the real beads with a small set of charred beads on them as an enhancement.


The Owl Patrol did this on my course many years ago and people still talk about it!

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