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Does Wood Badge count for training requirement of Den Leader Award

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Sorry, but no. Perhaps they would have included it if they'd thought about it, but maybe not. The trainings are pretty different.


University of Scouting is very much about tools to do the particular job, while Wood Badge doesn't really do much specific to den leadership. I do think that Wood Badge is more similar to roundtables, but with that requirement I think they're really trying to get people into the habit of going...so attending Wood Badge doesn't really accomplish that.

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I agree with nolesrule and Oak Tree.


In my opinion....


Wood Badge gives you the tools to plan ahead and carry out that plan(s), and also how to network with other talented Scouters. Things that will assist your pack and troop over 2,3 or 4 years (or more)


Pow Wow and University of Scouting would give you program items, program helps, themes, crafts and ideas. Program that will help you every meeting.


So, while you may have put more effort in attending Wood Badge; I think the Den Leader Award is looking to recognize Den Leaders that can deliver a weekly program to their Den, full of fun and adventure.


Hope you're wearing the DL Award knot soon!


Scouting Forever and Venture On!

Crew21 Adv

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Lucky dog, I still haven't gone to WB yet.


Anyway those requirements haven't changed much in many years. And I bet someone overlooked the fact that WB is for ALL leaders now, from TCDLs all the way up to council presidents.


Problem is when thsoe requirements were written originally, CSWB was for CS trainers, not your average DLs. So most folks who went had the award already.


maybe someone needs to ask national about adding WB21C to the list?

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As Crew21_Adv points out, I think the idea behind pow wow/UoS/roundtable requirement is that it's a position-specific continuing education to assist with program planning. Wood Badge doesn't really help there. All the various Cub Leader awards (note that these are NOT training awards) have the same list, because the idea is for the training to support program (and probably also to improve attendance at the training events).


Looking over all the leader awards on USSCP, only the Boy Scout Leader Training Award has Wood Badge attendance, and it's listed as a Performance elective, not under the Training section.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)

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This really should not be a question, as you should have had the training for your position before going to WB. When I went as CM to WB, I had position training for DL, WDL, CM, BALOO, Outdoor Skills, etc....


Round Tables and easy enough to attend (don't have to go to your district) if it's not on a night you are free. I never got to my district RT as CM, as it was the same night as the Pack Meeting. But I went to another district on occasion.

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If it were to be included, Wood Badge probably should be included in the "Performance" section of the Den Leader Awards instead of the "Training" portion. This is how it is for the Scouter's Training Award, and would make more sense.(This message has been edited by GMitch)

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