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Meeting with Woodbadge Ticket Counselor

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Yes, I am the Committee Chair for a Cub Scout Pack, and my ticket was centered around things that needed some big improvements or implementation in our Pack .

When we wrote our tickets, all of our goals had to be SMART goals, with specific ways of measuring our successes. I think that I am pretty well covered in that area.

I'm sure that we will meet at least once more, as I said he's been pretty busy with his job and his other council activities.

Thank you for the advice. I will remember it when it is time for our next meeting.

CSCC- a good ole Bear too

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I did make copies of everything that I have done so far and give him copies, and I also emailed him copies as I was working on different areas of my ticket, so he has seen the progress all along.

When we meet again, I will bring more copies as we move throughout the rest of the year so he has all of the information up to date.

I was just nervous , like I'm sure others are, for that first meeting, wanting things to be just as I hoped they would be when I wrote my ticket.

Thank you for your advice as well, it all helps as I move through this.

It was a great course, one I would highly recommend. I learned an awful lot during it.


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