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Troop paying for WB

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It is not uncommon, although more common is helping out with the fees. It may be in the troops best interest to send key leaders to WB. If the CC had asked that the troop send the SM I wouldn't think twice about this. Asking to be sent as well seems a bit much, but even then it could be worthwhile. At ~$215 it might be enough to prevent a scouter who is already giving up one weekend a month as well as the other "hour a week" from attending. I've not gone mostly because I've not made the time. But if the troop wanted me to go strongly enough to pay, I would certainly make the time.

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I would not describe this as "commonplace," but I have seen it. There are troops (and packs) out there whose pay for all their adult leader training. This is to relieve the burdon on the volunteers. Generally, however, this is for the basic trainings (SM/ASM essentials, Outdoor Skills, etc) and usually not for advanced or supplemental training (as Wood Badge or Powder Horn).

If it is the policy of a troop to reimburse, then that is one thing, but be consistent in what is covered if you do this. A few other considerations are what is the benefit to the unit (is the 200 some odd dollars worth it to the troop?), is there a financial hardship on behalf of the adult leader(s), and prepaps the most important consideration, is can the troop afford it? Lastly, if the committee is intersted, consider covering half the cost.

Just my 2.

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As noted, its not uncommon, but some units do do so.


Since WB 'costs' a little over $200, plus 2 3-day weekends, its something to consider if you have key leaders (SM, more active ASMs, especially ones you think will become SM) who haven't attended, and might not due to the cost.


Many councils also have WB Scholarships to help out deserving leaders as well (mine does). So that's another avenue.


I would recommend that the troop re-imburse the leader for no more then half the cost AND only after completion of the ticket.

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The troop I belong to pays for WB. As part of the parent orientation program several years ago, I asked if the troop paid for WB. The presenters looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and asked why wouldn't the troop pay. Turns out both of them were WB trainers.


The SM, CC, and 3 or 4 ASMs are WB trained. I guess it depends on the troop budget. Last fiscal year, the troop ran $39,000 through the account. About 10,000 was summer camp fees. Another 12,000 was monthly campout fees. Another $6-7000 for high adventure trip. $200 for a training course would hardly be a blip on the budget. Membership is about 65 scouts and about dozen ASM.

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I have been part of three different troops one as a youth and two as an adult that when the unit has the funds will either pay all or part of training fees ... this could included NYLT, NYLE, Leader Specfic and Woodbadge among others for example we recently paid a portion of the fees to send two of our leaders to a High Adventure Training... but as I said it all depends on fund available and is on a case by case basis approved or denied by the committee....


Scott Robertson



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Our troop reimburses (not advances) for fees for training. This includes such required training as CPR. We have no limit for training taken locally. We do not pay for training at Philmont. We do not pay for other expenses such as mileage, meals, etc., just the fees.

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Our troop does not have much money, so no, they did not pay for WB. Some companies pay the fee and/or give paid time off - the training is applicable to work as well as Scouting (Ok, my boss does frown on me singing "Back to Gilwell").


I was at a different employer when I took Wood Badge. It was a disappointment when I presented the course to my bosses, what with all of the extremely good leadership training and the application of concepts leanred by putting into usage in ticket items - and I was turned down for reimbursement and had to take vacation days to go to the two Fridays. But that really did not matter - the course has been invaluable to me.


(This message has been edited by Knight)

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Back when I was a CM, I managed to get the Pack Committee to agree to pay for all adult leader trainings, that would benefit the pack.

This worked great until I was chosen as a Course Director and five adult leaders from the Pack signed up.

Needless to say the pack budget couldn't manage all that.

I'm not sure what the pack did in the end to accommodate all of these.

We did manage to get some money for one of them, as they were a husband and wife team with four boys in the pack.


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Yes, its fairly common and acceptable. Similar to NYLT, VLSC and KODIAK. A unit may offer a Scoutership.


During Roundtables, I try to keep it short and say. "If you want your best troop, send your adults to Wood Badge, and send your SPL and Patrol Leaders to NYLT."


Back to your question, Yes, its fairly common and acceptable, but it is an annual committee decision. (I personally always hate the statement "we did it last year". If they keep doing things the same way each year, the committee will usually consider it a rubber stamp process and not to be voted on. Though most Troop Committees are usually in unison and share the same train of thought. The committee (Pack, Troop or Crew) is entrusted to be good stewards with their Scouts and families unit finances and best use the general funds each year.


Some years, a unit which is doing well with the funds, sends everyone to Wood Badge Paid in Full. Other years, they may consider the funding request; but decide not to pay, mainly due to the lack of operating funds and meeting other financial commitments throughout the year.


I would expect the most common practice is a Scoutership, and the cost of Wood Badge (or other courses) is split (or a portion) between the unit and the learner.


You never really know. If a unit pays the full cost, a learner may either be complacent and possibly not complete their ticket. Or they may be diligent, accept every tool they are taught, benefit their Pack, Troop or Crew and earn their Neckerchief and Beads. But you can probably bet, if a learner pays a portion of the fee, the course may be just a little more tangible and they should take ownership in what they paid a portion of.


As for my troop, we offer two Scouterships each year, 100 Dollar to Wood Badge and 100 Dollars to NYLT. As for my family, I paid my own way, later paid for my wife to attend, years later I paid for my oldest son to attend NYLT, then later he attended Wood Badge. My youngest did split a Scoutership to NYLT with another Scout and we saved 50 Dollars.


Hopefully, your troop will consider a portion or even a full ride Scoutership for your Committee Chair and Scoutmaster. But even more, hopefully your Troop will benefit from the Troop Leaders attending Wood Badge.


Scouting Forever and Venture On!

Crew21 Adv

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