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Training quandry, would appreciate some advice

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Monday night I get home from work and an envelope from Philmont is at my place at the dinner table. "Upon the recommendation of your council it is my pleasure to invite you to participate in a conference at the Philmont Training Center." WOW!!! I'd looked at the Philmont web site last year and noticed all the conferences and thought that going to one would be a lot of fun and well worth the time and money.


I'm a second year Scouter, spent last year as my son's Tiger Den leader, was the Twilight Camp Director for our District and am now the Assistant Cubmaster and Wolf Den leader. When our CM's youngest son crosses over this spring, he'll go up to the Troop with him and I've agreed to step up to CM. The logical conference to take is the new conference - Cub Scout Leader Extravaganza.


Here's the quandry -- the first session is during our Council's Cub Resident Camp and the second session is the week of my District's Twilight Camp and yes, I'm the Director again this year. I will not duck out on my staff so the second session is out.


Last year was the first time in a while that our Pack has had Cubs go to Resident Camp. My assistant den leader and I, our sons and one other boy from our den went and had a pretty good time, although my son still hasn't fully committed to going again this year. I'd like for him to go again and I am willing to go with with him and I think we can get more boys and parents to go.


Broaching the subject with my wife, she informed me that one weekend of Pack family camping didn't quite qualify her to go to the Scout Ranch for a full week, so a family vacation is out.


Looking for some advice as to whether I send my son to camp without me, take him with me to Philmont or regretfully decline the invitation and go with him to Camp Rock Enon. Time and money are not significant considerations. If I turn this opportunity down, will it come around again? The letter makes it sound like there are limited slots, but I figure there are other years, but....I really want to go!







Assistant Cubmaster

Pack 13

Shenandoah Area Council



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The time you have to take your son to camp will only be with you for a limited time, spend it with your son while he is little. If you do not get to go to Philmont while you are a Cub leader then in just a few years hiking on an expedition with your son when he is a scout will more than make up for missing the training.

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Attending a conference at Philmont is really great!

In part because it can be a wonderful family vacation.

However if you are interested don't worry the invite is not really an invite!!

They want to fill all the spaces available!!

Invites are send to people who have been named by people at the local level, normally the District and Council Training Chairs.

I went while my son was a Webelos Scout, he had a fantastic time. Her Who Must Be Obeyed is the kind of person who thinks any hotel that has less than a 3 star rating is roughing it!! Went with us -OK - To be really honest it wasn't her cup of tea!! But she didn't hate it!! I kinda made it up to her by taking her to the Grand Canyon on the way home (We drove from not far from you!!)

If I were you I'd wait a year or two.

Look at what position you think you are going to serve in long term (I'd love to take the Strictly for Scoutmasters Conference)Pick the conference that is the best fit.

Put he dog in a kennel for a couple of weeks, drive to Philmont with the kids and your Lady wife, plan to do something that she will really enjoy while you are in that part of the world.

You all will have the best time!!

I'm 100% sure.


(You can apply to go at any time, but you will need the SE to sign off saying that he or she thinks that you will get something out from your attendance.)

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I say you should put adventures with your son first .. and yes I am a district trainier ... there is always another chance to go to philmont ... my dad gets the invitations every year and has only gone once - also normally all you have to do is drop a hint to your DE and they will ensure you get the invitation ...


hoping my wacky 2 cents is helpful...


Scott Robertson


Helping leaders one resource at a time

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Yah, what Scott and da others said, eh?


Childhood is short, and unit scoutin' is where the action is. Sounds like both your son and your pack need you there. Philmont can wait. Just mention to your district folks that you really appreciated the recommendation, and you'd like to be considered again in the future.




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Like many here, I've received those invitations in the past. I was floored by the cost of the training so I chose not to go.


If you think that a Phimont trek might be in your future, I'd hold of til then. Philmont is a beautiful location but I'm happy that my first experience with it was as hiker, climbing mountains, fording raging rivers, and fighting off the lions and mini-bears.



Now that I've climbed the highest mountain and swum the deepest river (apologies to Ricky Neslson), it would nice to go back and look at the Tooth and say, "Hey, I've been up there."


So, in a nutshell, save your time and money and do things with the Scouts.

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As the district training chair, we would recommend a dozen or so adults in our district every year. The course recommendation(s) was specific to the individual's position or area of interest. Anyone that wanted to go was also put on the list if they were not already on it. The SE always signed the entire list, which was then forwarded to Philmont, and the formal invitations were sent out.


Informally, it was expected that the skills the person brought back would be shared with the rest of the district. That meant I would hit them up to take a segment or two of a training event.

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I attended Philmont Training last year. My 6 year old daughter and 10 year old son LOVED IT. I asked if they would rather go to Disney or Philmont this year. Without hesitation PHILMONT. My wife attended NOT camping a day in her life, not to mention she was diagnosed with cancer last March and was undergoing chemotherepy. She Loveed it and before we even left Philmont. I got this. Next time we come here............ You get the picture. So, if my wife can go, so can yours. How many 10 year old boys can go back to their Cub pack and tell them they went hiking at Philmont?????? or actually slept in Kit Carson's home, on the floor? shot air rifles, rode horses, archery, crafts ect. Not too many.


I'll be there during the week of the Cub Scout Extravaganza this year with my wife and 2 children.



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Philmont Training Center is an awesome experience when you choose to go.


For WVCubDad's benefit, the training center uses extra large wall tents, 2 to a tent: If you're a couple, you get to tent together (I've known folks to push the beds together), I've seen families who cotted their kids in their tent, although space is allocated 1 bed per person.


There are fairly typical camp shower houses available, and the dining hall serves cafeteria style.


There are age-appropriate activities for the kids, and there are spouse activities as well. They've been known to toodle off to Taos and Santa Fe!


Bottom Line: For the living, PTC is "resort under canvas!"

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My humble recommendation is to wait until your son is ready for a Philmont trek and go with him as an adult advisor. You won't regret it. Take your wife, too, if she's game and registered with your troop. You can always go to Philmont Training Center when you're too old or feeble to hike the backcountry--which may not be until you're past 70+ or 80+ years old ;).

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Congratulations on stepping up to be a leader in your son's pack. I found being Cubmaster to be an absolute blast and can tell by your post's enthusiasm that you'll do a great job.


I disagree with the previous post about waiting to go to Philmont till your son is a Boy Scout. I say go now! and since there's a scheduling conflict with the course you first picked, take another Cub Scout level course that doesn't conflict with previously scheduled activities. I suggest that you choose the course Strictly For Cubmasters which I think might be a better course for you. Here's a link to the website that lists the courses being offered and if you need more info, call them direct at 505-376-2281.




(This message has been edited by CubsRgr8)

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Thank you all. I appreciate the input.


I did check the link provided by CubsRgr8 and it doesn't appear that the Strictly for Cub Masters conference is being offered this year. I haven't confirmed it with a phone call yet, but there were several other posters with some good advice about spending time with my son.


That was the direction I was leaning when I first posted and that will be my decision. There's always next year for a training conference that may better fit my schedule.


Eamonn - How long a drive was it?





Assistant Cubmaster

Pack 13

Shenandoah Area Council



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