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University of Scouting

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My experience is that the quality varies widely from council to council, year to year, and even class to class. So it is probably best to find some adults in your area who have attended your council's University, and ask their opinions. If you sign up, go with the attitude that you'll likely learn something new, even if not all of your classes are fabulous. Chances are you won't be disappointed that way, and at the very least, you will meet some other dedicated Scouters.


Around here most councils offer U of S in the late fall/early winter when there is less camping to compete with, especially for cub packs (cub leaders make up the biggest segment of attendees around here). So right now there might not be more than a date posted on the council website. More info is usually forthcoming in Sept/Oct.. You could check with other Scouters who have attended in the past to see what common practice is in your area.


In my experience, most of the classes are geared toward a specific program segment of the BSA - for example, cooking classes for cub leaders tend to focus on different things than those for troop leaders. Some councils offer basic leader training at their Universities, others don't. (If you haven't done this yet, be sure to find out when leader training is offered next in your area - you'll want New Leader Essentials, Youth Protection Training, and Scoutmaster/ASM fundamentals training, and Outdoor Leader Skills training. Yes, I know you probably have those outdoor skills already, but there's a big difference between knowing how to do something and knowing how to teach it or what the BSA policies are regarding various activities - OLS should help with the latter, plus it is fun.)


Hands-on "skill" classes tend to cost a few bucks extra (leatherwork, for example). Just keep in mind that you aren't going to learn all there is to know about subject X in a one- or two-hour class! And some classes are more focused on teaching you how to teach the skills, rather than on learning the skill yourself - so read course descriptions carefully when they come out, and ask questions if you aren't sure what to sign up for.

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If you are looking for a standard curriculum, there isn't one. Each Council makes up their own. You might try Google for "University of Scouting" and see what other councils are doing. In the council here, UOS has replaced the CS PowWow and the Commissioner's College has been folded in, as well.

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As noted, "University of Scouting" is very different from council to council.


In some councils, its just an annual venue to provide a variety of BSA supplemental training.


In some councils, they try to go beyond that, and put together other, additional training.


In a very few councils, they try to follow a model similiar to 'College of Commissioner Science' with developed course curriculm, degrees, and the like.


Nothing says you have to go to the UoS in your council. I've been going to the UoS program in my old home council for some years, and have worked on the degrees they offer there.


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