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Multiple positions?

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I remember growing up some boys in the troop holding multiple positions either because they were the only ones willing to hold them, or because they just happened to get elected as both the scribe AND the historian, while also working as a den chief for a local pack. As a result, I'm kind of curious these days about what the rules say about that exactly, although I'm willing to bet that I can guess as they most likely discourage it.


Likewise I was wondering if there is such a specific rule for adults as well. I know for a fact that Scoutmasters, Cubmasters, and their assistants are not allowed to be on the committee, but that's all I've ever really heard in that regard. I've heard of people working at both the unit level as well as the district level though, so I was just wondering where the line is drawn.

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I do not believe that you will find written rules for any of you scenarios, but rather guides on how it should be done. I can see where small troops could have youth holding multi positions, but these are not elected positions. They should be selected for the positions by the SPL. This allows the SPL to build his team which to run the troop with.


I THINK that any scouter can hold multi positions just not in the same unit. Many scouters say they hold multi positions in a unit, but they do not, they may do multi jobs, but they are not registered in 2 positions.


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From the G2SS, pg. 4

Each Cub Scout den and Webelos Scout den and each chartered Cub Scout pack, Boy Scout troop, Varsity Scout team, and Venturing crew shall have one leader, 21 years of age or older, who shall be registered and serve as the unit or den leader. A unit leader may not serve simultaneously in any other position within the same unit. The head of the chartered organization or chartered organization representative and the local council must approve the registration of the unit or den leader on the appropriate form.

Primary reference: Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America.


At first, that looked straight-forward, but after further inspection, I have questions.

Is a den leader also a unit leader? Or is the Cubmaster or Committee Chair the unit leader? The answer to those questions will answer the others I have.

The only real hard and fast rule I've heard is that the COR and Committee Chair cannot be the same person.

As Cubmaster, I attend my son's den meetings (Webelos) and act as an ADL, along with 2 others, both of whom are registered as ADL's. We do not have any individuals serving as a Den Leader for more than one Den. CM's and ACM's do not also serve as DL's.

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