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UK Leader Training - the new 'modular' course

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after Helping out with teh Scouts for a while, i decied to take the plunge, and apply to be an Assistant Scout Leader., so i filled the form in, and went on a few of the new Modular courses.

so far ive only done the (very) basic stuff, which is detailed below;


Module1 through to 3

these were very easy,

module 1 :

cosisted of

child Protection ( ie deliang with any aleged abuse, safety issues the do's and dont's and so on) and the importance of the C.R.B system

understanding the basic fundamentals of Scouting ( Scout promise/law etc)

Safety of other people, and yourslef ( risk assessments etc)

The Structure of Scouting in the UK, ( ie Group, District, County, etc)

Where to go to get help or advice

Support structures

Equal oportunities policy, ie scouting for all regardless of Sex, Race, Ethnicity, Mental disability, Physical Disability, Religious beliefs ( although a complete lack of a belief in anything 'spiritual'is a bar to taking up a leadership role) , sexual preferneces ( ie including and acepting people who are openly gay, lesbian, or anything in between)


Mdoule2 was no more than a discussion with the training advisor#


Module 3 consisted of


understaning the proceses in the relavent scout section ( ie Beavers/cubs/scouts/Explorers) that you have aplied to.

understanidn how to put a basic program together, and where to find ideas for the program

the importance of games and promoting team building and trust amongst young people

The importance of ceromonies ( ie investments and the basic structure of a meeting)


and that was module1-3

theres smoe more information on module 1 below



and module 3



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I have looked over some of the program books that came out just before and just as the programs changed.

The balanced programs and ideas for troop meetings seemed like a neat idea. But with everything so "Packaged" how do you involve the Patrol Leaders Council in planning the troop meetings?


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I have looked over some of the program books that came out just before and just as the programs changed.

The balanced programs and ideas for troop meetings seemed like a neat idea. But with everything so "Packaged" how do you involve the Patrol Leaders Council in planning the troop meetings?



The scout group im invovled with has had a few problems over the last few years, first of al there was a major fall out with the Cub leader ( slight understatement) and the scout leader, from what i can gather it was something tat was simmering for years, and just boiled over.

The cubs were no longer comunicating with the Scouts, so anyone that came up through cubs into Scouts just turned up at Scouts, without us knowing anything about that person.

Eventualy the normal flow of Cubs to Scouts dried up, as its beleived/rumoured that the cub leader wasnt encouraging the cubs to move up to scouts when the time was right 9 ie ptting them off Scouts)

while all this was going on, our Group Scout Leader was battling cancer, and with the Start of explorer scouts the Scout group efectivly lost all its expeirienced patrol leaders.

not only that but the Scout Leadership team had less time available to volunteer towards scouting.

with the normal flow of Cubs to Scouts stopped, and other problems the numbers of scouts fell back a bit,.

At the time we ( as scout leaders) were un able to run a full on patrol system, however there was still a ( reasonably) full programme of activities avaialable, although the programme was put together either on the spot, or in the pub over a few beers after the scouts had finished.


Sadly after a long battle against Cancer, our Group Scout leader ( someone who i have known sice i was about 10) lost his battle, and is with us no more.


soon after that things went realy wrong with the cubs, and the cub leader was suspended from scouting, and eventualy removed, the suspension and eventual dismisal all happened very fast ( it was on an unreleated issue to the earlier disagreements)


due to some extreme luck, a new ( temporary) cub leader was found, who is also an assistant scout leader, all of a sudden the Scout leaders were talking to the Cub leader, on freindly terms.


Things have calmed down a bit in the Scouts as well, and we now have some patrol leaders, although there still quite young and not too expeirienced, there was a 'Patrol leaders meeting' where a program was worked out in conjunction with the PLs.


As for the new balanced program, I havent seen much of that yet ( not done the training module for it) although i have seen the new(ish) challenge badges and the requirements, and were trying to fit the program in around some of the requirements of the badges ( basicly they do activities on a scout night that can go towards certain aspects of the badge(s)

by balanced were trying to do a bit of this, and a bit of that, but not too much of the same thing.


after witnessing things going into a steady decline, it now looks like things are finaly getting better, were Losing one Scout to Explorers soon, but there are at least 5 cubs that will be joining us soon.

theres going to be a meeting before the next Scout night in the pub, where a few other bits and bobs will be sorted out.





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