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BCS 104 -- Unit Visitation

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I have been asked to present BCS 104 at an upcoming Commissioner training event. I have the basic material and outline. I've looked at the information on Netcommish.com. and will probably use the presentation from there.


Does anyone have anything that might add to the presentation? Anecdotes, stories, or even a unique PowerPoint presentation.


Thanks for the help.




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Looking at the Continuing Education For Commissioners (7 30176 33615 2) It seems to be laid out very well and could very easily be lifted on to a power point presentation.

At the risk of seeming "Sugar coated" you could add a very short role play of what it isn't. I see a spy, dark glasses, raincoat with collar turned up and a note book.It need only eat up a couple of minutes and would help drive the point home as well as being a little fun.


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This is the session at Commissioner School where they learn about Unit Visitation,it provides the participants with insights on effective unit visits,what to look for and how to be a help-not a hindrance.

Commissioner Training takes place at the College of Commissioner Science.

The college borrows terminology from higher education. Session topics become "courses" with course numbers. Courses in the "Curriculum" are divided into three program levels.

Bachelor's Program.

Master's Program.

Doctor's Program.

The Bachelor's Program Courses are:

BCS 101 Introduction to Commissioner Science.

BCS 102 Unit Charter Renewal.

BCS 103 The Commissioner and the District.

BCS 104 Unit Visitation.

BCS 105 Practical Solutions to Common Unit Needs.

BCS 106 A Commissioner's Priorities.

BCS 107 Youth Protection Training.

BCS 108 Effective Roundtables I

BCS 109 Effective Roundtables II

All this is followed by MCS.

The Doctor of commissioner science degree requires the satisfactory development of a thesis or a research project on any topic of value to Scouting in the local Council. It has to be a minimum of twenty double-spaced, typed pages (81/2-by-11-inch white paper)

I did mine on International Scouting. One Commissioner from our Council did a really good one on holding the interest of the old Scout. He covered all sorts of off the wall awards that older Scouts could work on and resources where they could go or get information. We normally make copies and send these out to the Scoutmasters, what happens after that - Well ...








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Eamonn, Thanks for explainations.


I've been thinking about some type of role play. One thought was to do some type of mock uniform inspection where the inspectors would have blank pieces of paper on a clipboard. Then talk about the "walking around with a clipboard" thing.

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Waring, red riders: RANT mode ON.


Time for my hobby horse: Clueless trainers at Commissioner's College!!


Last year I took a course from my Council's CCS. Two class sessions ruined the day for me ... and made me think that the College WASTES MY TIME:


1) G2SS class: The instructor, wearing the neckerchief of a Doctor of Commissioner Service, didn't have the lung capacity to speak in a normal voice in a classroom of 25 adults. Who checks these folks to see if they need sound system support???


2) G2SS class, content: Same teacher had her head where the sun does not shine. The handout G2SS was a "just print the website" dating back to 2001! She didn't know that she could download the Guide as an adobe PDF document (which is just as current as the website guide, since I understand National updates both of them concurrently). She insisted that the G2SS mandates all members of Venturing have Class 3 physicals.


The associate dean for curriculum is a friend. I let him have it with both barrels. The critique sheet ripped the instructor to shreds.


Lesson learned: Trainers need "Train the Trainer 101" and what we in the Armed Forces used to call a "Murder Board" ... where everyone had to certify they could TEACH the class to standard.


Rant mode off.

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I don't know about your Council ... mine charges about $75 to take CCS.


In my day job, when I take training, if my firm is footing the bill, they want my feedback on the quality of instruction and facilities. Why? Simple. They're not going to pay for unsat facilities and unsat classes.


Ditto when I go and get skills improvement on my own. There is competition for my buck.


Scouting training is a monopoly. District trainers ask me "why did you send your adult leaders to xyz District for training?" Answer was simple: You didn't offer it when the leaders could take it. At least at the District level there is choice by attending a different district.


Council and Regional training is another story. It truly is a monopoly. Most of these people have not taken any form of training to be corporate trainers. They know their subject (with exceptions, see my post above).


You were asking if someone had a powerpoint that supported your class. I truly hope you have someone sit in the very back of your classroom and check to make sure the typefaces are legible at distance. I also hope you check the InFocus machine to make sure it projects the size dimensions of your PC.


Have fun teaching. I know your dedication to the program, you post in many fora here. I hope you make the training package exciting, stimulating, and thought provoking.



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Actually I have the PowerPoint and was looking for supplemental or unique material to enhance the presentation.


With all due respect, I would guess that you are never quite satisfied with most things that you do. We do the best we can with what we have. We are all volunteers. Sure some of our trainers are rough around the edges, but they are there doing the job week-in and week-out. Sure, some are screened out with time, but those who remain are the best we can field.


Perhaps we should not do any training for fear of upsetting someone in the audience. Maybe some old redneck would take offence at a female instructor. Maybe you dont like being taught by someone with an accent, even a British accent.


You had a bad experience with one instructor (I think it was one). Her voice was too loud? (too soft?) and she was teaching what I would think must be a terribly difficult subject since everyone thinks they are an expert when it comes to G2SS. You need to go back and remember what you were there for. Take another class and focus on the course material instead of the instructor.


Having said all the above, I do agree with you that some of our instructors are not the best trainers on the planet. They do their best, and everyone gets something out of the class. They know that someone else could probably do a better job with the class. But they show up week after week waiting for someone better to take over, and when it happens theyll be glad to turn over the pointer.


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Comparing the Armed Forces trainer regimen to the CCS trainer regimen appears excessive and may qualify as a genuine rant. Still, hearing and seeing what is being taught is basic to any teaching environment and is considered important even by BSA training standards.


Preparing for a class of 25 may exceed most budgets, which are generally nothing. The arrangement of the room may also provide unique problems to most. Generally, rooms are on loan and cannot be rearranged. Equipment is mostly out-of-pocket and the material, even out-of-date material, is given to the instructor by the coordinator of the event, sometimes the night before. The sound system most likely is nonexistent, so sound checks may prove to be futile. These are all problems worthy of note and should be continually addressed but resolutions may remain temporary.


The training information is also available at cost to each participant and can always be reviewed after leaving the event to decrease the problems connected to Low Impact Teaching techniques. Effective training is associated with the implementation of the material, even in the BSA but training is thought of as a starting place for service. For those that are still frustrated, there is a great emphasis on friendships and being connected to those with experience in the field to continually fill in the (many) gaps of our training and understanding.


My CCS dissertation was written on the Commissioner Service in Rural Scouting areas. I was asked to use it to develop a course by the same name. The basis of the paper and the course had to do with involving these units in the communications network of the Scouting District. Any attempt to involve them in the program of the District significantly improves the units program. How so? It is not primarily because the District has a great program to provide these units. It is because these units have great people that are important to the District. Scouting can be viewed as a family and each member has importance. When we leave off part of the family, we lose something that is necessary for all.






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You made a key point above: The interrelationships between us who are Scouters are the saving grace of more than a little training. Over the years, I've learned more around the campfire after the youth have gone to bed than I have in formal presentations in several training sessions (not all, old Cub Basic was a great package, and the CCS package on Roundtable service was a huge winner).


While interrelationships are a key, You hit a critical point in your post:


"Preparing for a class of 25 may exceed most budgets, which are generally nothing. The arrangement of the room may also provide unique problems to most. Generally, rooms are on loan and cannot be rearranged. Equipment is mostly out-of-pocket'

**** (emphasis added here)

'and the material, even out-of-date material, is given to the instructor by the coordinator of the event, sometimes the night before."

*** (end of added emphasis)




1) BE PREPARED. We teach that to the youth. WHY, when the audience is paying good money to attend these events, is the coordinator not running STAFF DEVELOPMENT???


2) THE TRAINING AUDIENCE IS PAYING COLD CASH, in addition to giving their own time (perhaps away from their units) to attend. Since my local DD is one of the staff professionals supporting our CCS, I asked him about funding breakdown. Big part of it is reproduction costs.


Training executed right provides information to the Scouter to take back and use in his primary units. It helps forge a network of inter-relationships between people who care about raising young men (and women in Venturing) to adulthood and independence. The prep we who teach give to our task helps make or break the quality of our product.


I have no doubt the Scouters foto trains will be better for the time invested :)



YIS(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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I agree with your assessment about the shortcomings you described in the training you attended. I have observed the same or similar problems and have been guilty of some of them myself.




A staff person should have experience and be knowledgeable of the material/program to be presented.


The staff needs to attend Train the Trainer type sessions to know how to adequately prepare to teach effectively.


The staff should have prepared in general by teaching on the unit and District levels prior to teaching on the Council level and do so regularly.


Many that teach over a period of time should develop a trunk of teaching aides to help in any situation. The aides should be up to date and/or in good working order.


Being familiar with the Internet and Scouting help sites are now important and should be included in most presentations. Computer aides and Power Point presentations are now important.


A $75.00 dollar fee is more than I care to pay for a billion dollar movie with lots of explosions let alone a Scouter that can't be heard and with material that can't be seen or that wasn't well prepared. I am even not sure that there is a training session worth that amount.


Moreover, Scout Trainers need one job in Scouting only. People love to join Scouting and become a One Person Band. If a person does the one job that they accept for the year that they are registered and do it well, then that is more than enough for any person. The quality of the work of any one job is proportional to the amount of time spent preparing for the duties of that assignment. The key is to first read and understand the job duties and the related duties of that one job and then engage your skills in such a way and so as to reach those goals with excellence.




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