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WB ticket design

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The purpose of Wood badge is not to make you a great Scoutmaster or Den Leader or District Chairman. The purpose is to give you the tools necessary to lead others and to see the possibilities of have more than just goals. Woodbage helps you to see a life mission and leave a legacy.


No matter what you do in the community, at work, within your family, Wood Badge can give you tools to do it in a deeper more meaningful way.


Your ticket should not force you to serve in any specific areas as in the past. But your ticket is about YOU doing what is meaningful to YOU in the most effective way.


Bob White


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All of you raise good points, and I agree, at least in part, with all of you. Allow me to reflect on a couple things I've seen in the threat so far...


"...a 2-year District slave...". I hope these sentiments aren't serious. I've never been in a district/council where expectations on unit-level volunteers could be compared to slavery. Currently, we as unit leaders (and units, by extension) are expected to take turns "sponsoring" events, that is, doing most of the work arranging and pulling them off. If a Scouter, as part of his WB ticket, completes a project or event for the DE, helps all the units in the District, and gets exposure to the movement on a larger scale, is that a bad thing?


BW said ticket items are supposed to meaningful to the Scouter...agreed. I'd submit that something needed by the district or council will (or at least should) be meaningful to me.


I'm sure the BSA elders have designed WB the way it is for a reason, to include the focus of the ticket items. I guess I just see some disconnect between the needs at various levels of the movement and energetic WB students who have tickets to complete...


Just my opinion, I could be wrong.



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And thats just the point KS if you are a Scoutmaster who does vilunteer time for the District committee then use your Wood Badge training to be a better leader in that as well. But if you are a SM who volunteers time as a sunday school teacher and a Red Cross volunteer it is not Wood Badge's purpose, or the intention of the the BSA, to make you do work on behalf of the District or Council in order to show you you are a good leader. We each have our own mission and legacy to fulfill. It is not Wood Badges goal to force us all into the same mold, but to give us the tools and motivation to be successful in our own unique ways.


Plus, no one needs to be made a hat rack. There are plenty of jobs and plenty of people for each to do one job in scouting well and not try to do multiple positions.


Bob White

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