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The new CC...


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Can the troll read?


Give her a copiy of the CC's duties.


Tell her that her duties stop at Cc and that specifically, her job is to In no particular order or level of importance):


1) Confer with the CubMaster on policy matters relating to Cub Scouting and the chartered organization.


2) Cooperate with the Cubmaster on council-approved money-earning projects so the pack can earn money for materials and equipment. (emphasis mine)


3) Report to the chartered organization to cultivate harmonious relations. ( this relationship includes everybody getting along and enjoying the program and atmosphere offered by the pack.)


If CC pay close attenton to etail and is highly organized...that is okay. If CC is a cointroil freak who demands that everybody do everything in her exact way and give grief to anybody and everybody who dos not..then she is not doing her job.


As the CM ( seems like that was your position, right? ) You handle what goes on at den meetings, pack meetings , and campouts.


In a nutshell, trhe Cc does the business and ad min stuff...you handle all the program stuff as it relates to and affects the scouts.





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O.T. - Really really bad idea. Just sayin'.


Two phrases:

"The kids/parents need you to focus on this."

"The kids/parents need you to back away from that."


Suggestion: if you act like you're out to lunch -- like your just this nut that only cares about cute little boys having a barrel of fun and has no clue about the work that "needs" to get done -- sometimes they stop knocking at your door!


Alternative: build a collection of videos of the "last minutes" of recent dictators and point out that you would rather an adult's scouting career end on a more upbeat note.

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Well, for example, at the Comm meeting a few nights ago, during my update, I mentioned that I wanted to use the bulk of the Nov Pack meeting to make cardboard "cars" for the boys to wear in the Christmas parade.


The Troop and the Pack have marched in the Christmas parade for YEARS. This year, the SM and I thought we'd do a Pinewood theme (I'm pretty sure I got the idea HERE), and I brought that up at the meeting.


The CC kind of rolled her eyes and said (in the most bored tone you can imagine), "Well, we'll put out a sign-up sheet, and see if there's any ... interest in doing that."


She asked me what time the parade is. I said, "It always starts at 5:00. It ends right before dark, and everyone comes back to the church for hot chocolate and cookies."


The Web mom said, "Well WE can't do it because I can't be out at night because any flashing lights will make me have seizures."


Yes. 5:00. At night. Every year. For Time Immemorial.


As several of you have pointed out, I'm supposed to decide these things. And she's exactly as described -- she dismisses anything that isn't her way of doing something.


I emailed the Wolf Den Leader and said, "My Bears WILL be marching in that parade with the Troop. Do the Wolves want to join us?"


I don't have to have the CC's permission to take them; I can get my Charter Rep to sign the Tour Permit, if the Wolf DL will come as my 2nd Trained person.


We are MARCHING in that parade. TYVM.




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Unless your council is really strict on things..you do not need to fill out a tour permit..which is actually a tour plan nowdays....Just go.. At the very worst, you might want to print out some parent permision slips for each scout, but that's it.


What you are doing is no more different than a summertime fun activity or a den go see it.


And tell her she can stay home sine the program is for and about the boys....not her.


Yeah, YOU decide, not her.

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Sorry, but....You need to be Yoda and Jean Luc Picard in this!


"do or do not, there is no try"

"Make it So"


It's funny that she was telling you what your job entailed, when she took over. She should be reminded what her job entails when it comes to the program side of things. ("Make it So!")


FOR THE BOYS (not shouting, just emphasis) should be the focus for everybody involved with a Pack, not just a catchy phrase that sounds good.


I do like having the Cubmaster prerogative card in my pocket, just hope I never have to pull it out, I don't mind showing it every now and then!


Or, I guess there's always the "I can do what you do. Can you do what I do?" I might be a little snarky today.


You are the voice for those boys, make sure their voice is heard.

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Take the time now to go over your normal scouting year. Make sure she knows this is what you do, ask if she has suggestions or changes, and explain that you want to present a unified front to the dens and the rest of the pack. don't wait for her approval of an event, explain that in her job, she gets to make the program you plan work, not that she plans the program. Figure out which item in the year she wants to spearhead/lead, because it's always nice to have that kind of buy in, but that same offer should be made to any other leader in the pack--that the cubmaster has certain say, but other leaders are welcome to do all the grunt work to make a particular project come off. That you will be walking in the parade and you really don't expect her to come out since it doesn't work for her health wise, although if she wants to show up at the beginning of the parade and hand out some candy canes to the boys, or give everyone a parade patch, that would be marvelous if it makes her feel like a part of the unit.


Realize that in some packs, the cubmaster is a weak person who doesn't have the plan, and committee chairs may be used to picking up the slack. the cub scout leader book explains that when you don't have a cubmaster the committee chair can act as cubmaster until one is recruited. this may be where she gets that opinion that if you don't do the job, she gets to. put a bit of a cobosh on the usurping of your power, but also don't slap the face if she's just trying to help.


In most successful packs the leaders tend to not have such super well defined roles, they all work together to make things happen, one person doesn't decide everyting but one person doesn't have veto power unless it's health and safety related. Go have a cup of coffee with her and get on the same page of what you want to do for the coming year and make sure she understands which items are negotiable if she has a better idea, and which items are your baby.


If she's giving time to your unit without having a scout in the unit, that means either she wants the power and recognition, or she's just really trying to help out your pack to succeed. I would keep focusing on how it MUST be the 2nd of those options, otherwise you will find yourself butting heads over everything. She wants to help, make sure she knows which things you really want HER to do and which things you've got under control.


probably for walking in a parade you don't need a tour permit, double check with your council.

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