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Overbearing District Director?


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As a former DE myself I have seen these mid management scouting pro's who were real bums. Many of them are there because they LACK the skills needed to become an SE so they get moved around every three years or so to be some other SE's headache, and this guy definitely sounds like one of those. Unless he actually does something the SE will probably let it go or give him a minor slap on the wrist. If this guy is is exhibiting some real inappropriate behavior of the predator/stalking variety, my suggestion is to file a complaint with the police department, that will force the SE/National to take immediate action leading to his immediate dismissal from the BSA. It all depends on the nature and severity of his actions. If he is just being an annoying putz, then I suggest you talk to the council president or vp who can put some pressure on the SE to take action. In my experience professional scouters stick together when a volunteer files a complaint so talking to the SE may not give you the desired result.

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Wow! Thanks for all the replies.


Here is some additional info and what has happened since I posted this.


We are a unit that is young but strong. We have a good relationship with Council. We make sure that applications, etc. are turned in quickly and don't hold onto them. Our former DD is now in another position with Council.


I did speak with the current DD about our concerns. He became argumentative with me. I did tell him that the approach he had at the school was not appropriate and that staff were now aware that this was a lie.


Because of his response when I told him my concerns, I have gone to his supervisor, the Field Director. We are currently playing phone tag, but through email he is aware of the problems.


One of the replies is that he did thank me for taking the time to let them know of the concerns. He did say that most of the time volunteers do not let the Council folks know when something "odd" is happening and just end up stepping down. And then Council never knows of a problem.


Will keep you guys informed of what happens! Thanks for the feedback, as always.

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