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Cub Scout Meeting Place?


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Hi, I am a new Wolf Den Leader and I have a question regarding meeting places. Our pack meets in the cafeteria of an elementary school. We have had only one meeting so far but I found it very hectic and hard to keep focused with so much going on around us. I was under the impression that meetings were held in people's homes. I was thinking of asking the Cubmaster if we could hold the Wolf Den meetings in my home. This would make it easier to concentrate and focus on what we are doing instead of being distracted by all the other den's activities. I would be grateful for any feedback on this question. Thank you.

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tntlehman, The whole pack meets once a month usually where ever the pack is chartered. The dens should meet once a week usually in the Den Leaders home. I have seen where every den meets for their meetings in the same place as you describe but as you found out this is very distracting. You should talk to the Cubmaster, maybe this was a pack meeting and not a den meeting.

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Dens can meet just about anywhere that's practical -- see chapter 20 of the Cub Scout Leader book.


Most of our dens meet at our CO in the Sunday school rooms. If a den wants to meet off-site, we ask that the den leader let the committee know.


Tiger Cubs may meet at the home of the host Tiger/partner, but I'm not aware of any local dens that do that. Seems to me keeping up with a new location and providing directions for every meeting would be a hassle.

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When my son was a Tiger, the den rotated among the families' homes. For some of us that was a hassle. I do not have a home that is child proof for the toddlers that came along. Also, I had to worry about cleaning up the whole house before the den meeting.


Our pack now has all den meetings on the same night at the local church. The church is not our charter organization, but they let us use the Sunday School roms.


I just heard someone the other day say that you can have a room that is TOO big for the group. If the room is too big, like a cafeteria, the kids will automatically run around the room.


Talk to your cubmaster about other places to meet. If you have the room at home, go for that. Some people who have a neighborhood clubhouse, have found those handy.


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