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We do milk, juice, fruit, and sometimes popcorn, ants on a log, cookies, etc.


We try to keep it healthy, and low on the sugar content.


The snacks are up to the den hosting that particular Pack meeting, and are served at the end of the meeting.

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We do, we have a committee person in charge of snacks for pack meetings. We try to pick snacks that go with the theme that we think the boys will like. Sometimes they are simple, like pretzel rods and juice, and sometimes more elaborate like decorate your own cookie.

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Not unless it is part of the program, such as ice cream after the rain gutter regata or a Fear Factor theme.


Our pack meets at 6 pm, so most eat dinner at the PX right before or dash over right after.

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We only have a snack on special occasions, Guess who ends up cleaning up the fellowship hall after the Pack meeting......I got tired of hauling the carpet cleaner out after every pack meeting to clean up spilled juice or milk.......


You ask why do I do it......Because all of the other Pack leaders need to rush home and get their kids to bed because they have school in the morning.

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Rarely, if ever. Just not a habit we've fallen into. The only time we have food is the Blue & Gold Banquet or the Pancake Breakfast (but that's a fundraiser). Both of those are typically held someplace other than the school where we meet, due to fees charged for using the building, and restrictions on using the kitchen.

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We never had snacks at a pack meeting. When we are done, we want the kids to leave not hang around longer.


I do like to award my den with lolipops when they have been exceptionally well behaved at den meeting. But that they take home.


A little dum dum makes them so happy.

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I know I'm coming in at the tail end of this, but I'll add my 2 cents. We usually have a Fall Fest for our Oct Pack meeting; we have goodies then. And a Christmas party for Dec, with snackage of course.


But I agree that it's just an unnecessary mess. We also start at 6:30. MOST Cubs are fed supper before they come; I try to end Pack by 7:45. The last thing I want my kid to eat at 7:45 is a typical "kid snack". He can have an apple when he gets home!

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